Business Info

Important Event Information!

All previously disclosed event information applies to participating businesses!

You must sign a table rental agreement (linked here) and participate in setup on Friday, April 19, 2024.

General event information can be found under the "Seller Information" tab.

Interested in selling at the sale?

Click on the link to rent table(s) at the sale! The last day to sign up is April 17, 2024. The amount due for table rental can be paid in REVTRAK or with cash at check-in. The SIGNED VENDOR CONTRACT must be brought to check-in on the day of the sale.

Before signing up you must review the table rental agreement (attached above) and understand all sale terms and conditions.

The button above takes you to the form to reserve tables at the sale. Insert accurate information and read all directions. 

Business Table Pricing

***For the purpose of this sale, businesses are defined as any established organization that files state taxes. This includes non-profits and businesses with no "brick and mortar" establishment. Thank you for signing up accurately and honestly.***