Graduate Students

PhD Students

Liora Cohen - Improving the Emotional Availability in Nursing Assistant-Patient with Dementia Dyads: An Intervention Study (Shared supervision with Yuval Palgi)

Orna Lev-Anacb - The Effects of the Quality of Spontaneous Movements of Preterm infants and the Quality of their Interaction with their Mothers on their Motor and Socio-Emotional Adjustment in Childhood

Ravit Shahar-Lahav - The Relationship between Mother-Child and Father-Child with Cerebral Palsy: Emotional Availability, Parents’ Internal Representations and the Child's Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Orna Zohar - The mentalization of developmental allied healthcare professionals toward the child and the parent.

MA students

Shay Ben-Zvi - Maternal reflective functioning and the child’s communication functioning in the context of children with cerebral palsy

Alaa Abu-Daud - Links between the severity of preschoolers’ stuttering and emotional availability in mother-child interaction (Shared supervision with Nurit Gur-Yaish)

Tamader Faher-El-din - Emotional dialogues between mothers and their preschool child: links with maternal values and child self-regulation

May Leshem - Parenting children with special needs among refugees in Israel: The associations between trauma exposure and resolution with the child’s diagnosis

Jenny Vaskovonikov - Parents’ playfulness and usage of digital media (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Mayaan Dan - Exposure to digital media and preschoolers’ playfulness (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Shelly Perry - Associations between fathers’ involvement, marital support and the motor and language development of their infants and toddlers

Galit Aviv - Parents’ developmental knowledge and the home environment of families of infants and toddlers at risk

Lital Yona - Mothers’ developmental knowledge and maternal sensitivity in the context of families of infants and toddlers at risk

Alona Soblin - Early intervention programs for families at risk in Israel : The beliefs and attitudes that guide therapists who work with these families (Shared supervision with Rinat Feniger-Shaal)

Past MA students

Nagam Baransi - (Manga com laude) Resolution of the Diagnosis Among Arab Mothers of Children with ASD (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Sharon Tsaig - Association Between the Communicative Intentions of the Infant and Security of Attachment

Tal Livant - Associations Between Maternal Responses to Adolescent Risk Behavior and Adolescent Adaptation in Varied Ecological Niches

Orna Lev-Ankav (Manga com laude) - Association Between Mother-Infant Attunement during Interaction and the Quality of General Movements of Preterm Infants

Orit Ezra - Adolescent-Mother Discrepancies in Perceptions of Maternal Autonomy Support: Associations with Observed Individuation of Israeli Adolescents from Native Families and Immigrating Families from the Former Soviet Union

Noa Salmani (Manga com laude) - Intergenerational Congruence of Mothers' and Adolescents' Narrative Coherence

Hila Elharar - Mothers who Immigrated from the Former Soviet Union and their Adolescents: Associations Between Acculturation processes of Mothers and Adolescents and Adolescents' Connectedness to their Mothers

Hagar Azulay - Associations Between Cultural Values, Autonomy Support and Structure Among Mothers who Immigrated to Israel from the Former Soviet Union and Native Israeli mothers

Smadar Gachov - The Coherence of Adolescents' Narratives about their Mothers: Associations with Adolescents' Ego Resiliency

Lea Tal (Manga com laude) - Teachers’ Representations Regarding their Classroom: Associations with Classroom Environment (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Michal Grimberg-Yesodi (Com laude) - Maternal Responses when Learning that their Adolescents are Interacting with Delinquent Youth: Associations with Maternal Daily Practices and Moral Internalization of the Adolescents among Families from Varied Neighbourhood Safety Levels

Khulud Amarah - Associations between Maternal Resolution with the Child’s Diagnosis and Maternal Sensitivity among Arab Mothers of Children with ASD (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Noa Ramer - Adolescents' Narratives Regarding their Relationship with their Mothers: Associations with Attachment Patterns during Infancy (Shared supervision with David Oppenheim)

Pazit Rotman (Manga com laude) - Emotional Communication and Wellbeing During Mid-Adolescence: Associations Between the Emotional Dialogue of Mothers and Adolescents and Adolescents’ Self-worth and Perceived Social Competence

Noga Harel (Manga com laude) - Maternal Information Processing of Situations that may Suggest A Rejection of their Child: Associations with Maternal Sensitivity to Rejection (Shared supervision with Nurit Gur-Yaish)

Ayelet Zlotolov Nachamias - The Associations between Teachers' Attachment Styles, Representations Regarding their Teaching Experiences, and Their Sensitivity in the Context of Special Education

Hadas Opper (Magna Com laude) - Mothers' Attachment Style and Their Information Processing of Situations which Could be Stressful for their Child (Shared supervision with Nurit Gur-Yaish)

Lior Gal - The Interplay Between Ethnic Identity Formation, Narrative Expression and Self-Esteem Among Young Adults from Migrant Families (Shared supervision with Maya Benish-Weisman)

Adi Arad (Com laude) - Autonomy Support and Parental Expression of Disappointment in Response to Adolescent's Risk Behavior: Associations with Adolescents' Adjustment across Socioeconomic statuses (Shared supervision with Avi Assor)

Orit Zaraya - Preterm Infants Motor Development in the First Months of Life: Associations with the Quality of Mother-Infant Interaction

Shlomit Karni - The interplay between the definition of the Israeli identity, sense of belongingness to this identity, and well-being among native Jewish-Israeli emerging adults (Shared supervision with Maya Benish- Weisman)

Ravit Shahar-Lahav (Manga com laude) - Emotional Availability and Maternal Insightfulness in Dyads of Children with Severe Motor Disability and their Mothers and the Role of Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Netta Beer - Drama Therapy: A Lever for Development of Teacher Insightfulness (Shared supervision with Rinat Feniger-Schaal)

Michal Shalem (Manga com laude) - Associations Between Teachers’ Narratives Regarding their Class and the Quality of Classroom Interactions in the Context of Special Education Kindergartens (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Esti Zach - The relationship between kindergarten climate and teacher-child emotional availability among kindergarten children with developmental delay (Shared supervision with Smadar Dolev)

Ayala Barak - Mothers’ Narrative Coherence and their Children's Externalizing Behavior Problems: Reciprocal Influences Across Time

Liron Rundstein-Sabag - Associations Between Mothers’ Resolution with their Child Developmental Delay Diagnosis and their Perceived Social Support and Child Behavior Problems: The Case of Ultra-Orthodox Mothers.

Arava Mizrachi - Maternal Coherence when Narrating Regarding her Immigration Experiences and Mother-Adolescent Emotional Dialogues

Orna Zohar - A Course in Developmental and Emotional Aspects for Health therapists: Changes in Their Attitudes and the Therapist-Parent- Professionals Child Therapeutic Environment Following Participation in the Course

Dikla Koren-Katz (com laude) - Maternal rejection sensitivity and social information processing: Links with preschoolers’ social competence (Shared supervision with Nurit Gur-Yaish)

Esther Pulchook (Manga com laude) - Mothers’ rejection sensitivity and social information processing: Links with their children’s social information processing (Shared supervision with Nurit Gur-Yaish)

Yarden Guate - Associations between Maternal Coherence of Representations Regarding the Adolescent Child and Adolescent’s Self-Worth Children

Dafna Frumer - Parents' Coherence of Representations with Respect to Children with ASD and Severe Behavioral Problems: Link with Resolution of the Diagnosis (Shared supervision with David Oppenheim)

Tal Sorya - Children born pre-term: The interplay between neurological functioning in infancy, sensory profile in childhood and the quality of mother-child interaction

Nataly Korninsky - Maternal sensitivity and children’s narratives skills: The case of children born pre-term

Tal Bachar - Maternal representations regarding the child and the home environment

Tal Magal - Maternal reflective functioning and the home environment

Oneg Fridman - Fathers' involvement and the home environment

Mali Gut - The association between trauma in childhood and the home environment provided by mothers of infants and toddlers at risk: The moderating role of early protective factors (Shared supervision with Rinat Feniger-Schaal)