World Qualifiers 2016

As was reported last month, Island pool player Matt Champ became the second ever player from the Island, after former World Champion Carl Morris, to qualify to play in the Men’s World Pool Championships in Blackpool later this month. This was after he came through a 400 strong field to secure one of eight places at the Qualifiers held in Great Yarmouth.

When asked about his prospects, Matt was upbeat about his chances to do well:

My match play is in pretty good shape, this year I’ve had four finals (I won three and lost in a decider in the other), two semi finals and a quarter final and am still in the semi finals of the Island singles and trebles. I’m playing quite consistently which I’m happy with. I’m also back in the Island top 16 after two tournaments which is nice, I’m aiming for number 1 in time which is the goal. I am realistic but I also think that if I play my best game I can hammer anyone. I’ve beaten County A players, internationals and professionals before and, although I may play someone and not be favourite, on my day I know I’m capable. I only need it do be day that one time out of a hundred.

I’m looking forward to putting some practice in, trying my best and just enjoying the experience. I didn’t think it would get better than trialling for England a few times and the one time I represented England when I was a student, few people get to do that, but this is even more exclusive and is every amateur pool player’s dream. I’m just delighted to have done myself justice and got there in the first place.

I’m very thankful to my sponsors John Copland and Son Solicitors, The Ship on Shore and also Neptune Snooker Club. With a baby on the way, if it wasn’t for them then I might not have been able to go. I’m very grateful.

Matt will be travelling up with his dad Steve Champ and fellow Island pool player Jamie O’Donnell for moral support.

Regardless of how far Matt goes in the tournament we can all agree that it is a massive achievement to get there in the first place and we all wish him the best of luck.

Many people will remember Island pool player Matt Champ before he moved away to study law. Matt showed his promise early on by losing 8-7 in the Ashford Open final and making it to the Island's elite top 16 at an early age.

Matt's recent pool record shows his standing with 6 England trials, 2 county A team places and also numerous tournament wins under his belt.

However, after narrowly losing in a deciding frame in the recent Tom King final, Matt has surpassed them all this weekend.

The Ship on Shore 'G' and current Kent player entered a strong field, including ex England players and professionals, in the Men's World Championships qualifiers at Vauxhall Holiday Park, Great Yarmouth.

Out of the hundreds of hopefuls, after winning 5-1, 5-4, 5-3, 5-2, 5-1 Matt found himself 4-1 down in the final qualifying round. Matt broke and cleared to tie at 5 all and, in dramatic fashion, won the deciding frame to be only the second Island player after Carl Morris to be eligible to play in the Men's World Championships.

Matt lost the final game 7-1 but, having already qualified it was clear Matt had ran out of steam. In addition to qualifying for the Worlds Matt picked up two nights accommodation and £200 for his troubles.

The Island Pool Committee would like to congratulate Matt on this amazing achievement and to wish him all the best in the upcoming World Championships.

Full Results Here