Stigma is the biggest obstacle to recovery, treatment and societal acceptance for people living with mental illness is widespread and reaches into our educational institutions, workplace, homes, health care centres, in the media and even in the churches and mosques. People are also being sympathetic enough to strategically take steps to minimize or reduce stigmatization of people suffering from mental illness.

Though series of training workshops, broad consultation with key national stakeholders and time to time critical analysis and reviews of the different drafts, the new laws using World Health Organization materials and tools, Ghana has developed a comprehensive mental health care in communities in accordance with national human rights standards.

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Abom: known as abomu in twi which means together. This comprises of boiled greens like cocoyam leaves, dandelions or garden eggs that is grinded with onions, pepper and tomatoes in apotoyewa and finished off with palm oil. Momoni, koobi, groundnuts and dried fish like herrings is mostly added. It is a quick sauce and is commonly eaten with ampesie. It is mostly eaten in groups and I am without doubt, that brought about the name.

Ball float (bofrot): similar to puff puff in Nigeria or beignets in Cameroon or other parts of the universe. There are two variations of this fried dough, small round ones that has slightly hard crust and big ones similar to beignets which is soft and can be made in any shape. The smaller ones are called torgbei in some parts of Ghana and tend to be sweeter than the big ones.

Dakuwa in Northern parts of Ghana, Zowe in Volta Ghana), Alakuwa/Adakuwa in other parts of Ghana: This is originally dakuwa from Northern Ghana but it has lost its original name and it is mentioned differently in other parts of Ghana. In Takoradi here, it is mentioned Alakuwa. This is simply roasted grounded groundnuts with spices like cloves, ginger, grains of selim and rolled to balls. Sugar is added to make it sweet.

Kakro/ klaklo: this is made by blending over-ripe plantains, spices and flour together. The mixture is then deep fried. This goes well with bambara beans sauce. Got some plantains you want to discard? See kakro

Kenkey (Dorkun in fante, dorkunu in twi): made from fermented corn dough. There are two variations; Fante kenkey and Ga kenkey. Fante kenkey is wrapped in plantain leaves and steamed to cook whiles Ga kenkey is wrapped in corn husks before cooking.

Koobi: tilapia brined in salt and sun dried. This is normally used in stews. (Confession: I do not enjoy koobi but I find some recipes incomplete without it.) Love garden eggs, I used it in this Garden egg stew.

Momoni: fresh fish that is brined with salt for some days and sun dried. Though it has a stinking smell, it is technically not rotten fish as the salt prevents it from going bad. It is sauted in palm oil for flavour when making stews and also used in palm nut soup.

Mpotopoto/ makenikyemee: slow cooked cocoyam with tomatoes, onions and palm oil. Smoked fish like herrings, brined and smoked octopus is added as well. ( Are you with me? I do not like to admit it, this may be my favourite meal). Hey love Mpotopoto.

Shito: considered a condiment. There are two types; black and green. The black one is made using onions, pepper, ginger, garlic, tomato puree, spices, shrimp and fish powder. The green is mainly kpakoshito, (green scotch bonnet) green chilies, onions, garlic, ginger and spices.

Ghanaian rapper and hiplife artist Sarkodie has received 84 awards from 154 nominations, including 22 Ghana Music Awards. His album also earned him a nomination at the 2010 MTV Africa Music Awards. Rapperholic, his second studio album, earned him accolades at the 2012 editions of the BET Awards, The Headies, Ghana Music Awards, National Youth Achievement Awards, MOBO Awards, and Channel O Music Video Awards.

Alot of people keep asking this question.. Is Ghana rich or poor?? Ghana is not rich but not a poor country either, however it is perhaps among one of the most developed African nations. Nuff said, that could be due to its economic competence in international stage. Well aside having the 2nd largest per capita income in West Africa. 152ee80cbc

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