Why Dental Implants Are a Good Option

Why Dental Implants Are a Good Option

Losing one or more teeth, known as edentulism, can have psychological and social consequences that affect many people. When teeth are missing, eating and communicating might not be easy.

Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions to choose from when replacing a lost tooth or teeth. Replacement options for lost teeth include dentures, bridges, and dental implants. When it comes to tooth replacement, dental implants are universally regarded as the best option.

By 2026, the percentage of persons having at least one implant is expected to rise to 23%, according to previous research. Dental implants are preferred by many people because they last a long time, restore function, and look good.

Here are some reasons why dental implants are the best choice:

Implants protect the jawbone.

Implants for missing teeth are replacement fixtures surgically anchored into the jaw. A dental implant has a titanium post (the "root"), a metal abutment (the "connection"), and a porcelain crown (the "tooth"). Like natural tooth roots, the post of an implant can stimulate the jawbone. Jawbone atrophy might occur if you don't have enough dental roots. Maintaining the health of your jawbone and mouth structure is made possible by dental implants.

Implants resemble teeth.

Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth since they appear and feel like real teeth. But preserving your natural teeth is always preferable. Most people will notice that you've had an implant placed once you specifically inform them. You may care for dental implants like natural teeth, brushing and flossing as usual, and eating your favorite foods. Dentures, on the other hand, prevent you from feeling the soft palate beneath your meal, so it's harder to gauge the temperature of your food and lessen your capacity to savor it.

Implants last a lifetime.

When you have a dental implant, the post will fuse with your jawbone through osseointegration. As a result, you may expect your dental implant to last a lifetime. While the deterioration of the crown above your implant may necessitate its removal and replacement at some time, with regular dental checkups and cleanings, a dental crown can survive for 15 years or more.

Implants need no anchor teeth.

When one or more teeth are missing, a dental bridge can replace them by connecting artificial teeth, known as a pontic, to two crowns. The anchors, or the two healthy teeth on either side of the gap, are reduced in size and capped to hold the pontic. Because the implant post placed in the jawbone provides the necessary support for the entire tooth replacement, dental implants eliminate the need for anchor teeth.

Implants are functional and adaptable.

Implant dentistry can replace a single tooth or a whole set of teeth. In other words, dental bridges and dentures can benefit from implant restoration's stability and permanence. Even so, implants offer far more comfort. Implants:

    Neither glue nor tape is required.

    Soaking it overnight is not necessary.

    Need little in the way of upkeep or cleaning.

Avoid learning to eat and speak.

Don't put off getting a replacement tooth if you're self-conscious about your smile or having trouble chewing your food. Getting dental implants might help you feel better about yourself by restoring your smile and preventing further jawbone loss.

So, what are you waiting for? Call Sharp Dentistry & Associates today!

No matter how many teeth you're missing, the best implant dentist in Miami is here to help you regain your self-esteem. When it comes to implant care, from diagnosis to follow-up, Sharp Dentistry & Associates team is prepared for anything. Because of their high quality of service and genuine care for their patients, their clinic is considered the best dental implant clinic in Miami, FL. The locals say we have the best dental implants Miami, and they're not wrong.

Need Periodontal Care for dental implants in Miami, Florida? To schedule an appointment, please call 305-857-0990 or click here.
