5 Best Ways to Take Care of Your New Porcelain Veneers


5 Best Ways to Take Care of Your New Porcelain Veneers

A bright, white grin need not be saved for special occasions. Those who have the financial means to do so can have porcelain veneers for a natural-looking white smile.

Once you've taken the plunge into this fantastic world, you'll learn that you'll need to take care of your new, flawless teeth if you want them to last. Some dentists won't bother teaching you how to properly care for your new veneers, but a good Miami dentist will.

The best five ways to care for porcelain veneers are detailed here:

1. Keep up with your follow-ups.

It's understandable if you want to show off your brand-new veneers and grin to the world after getting your first set. However, there is a good reason why you should attend your follow-up appointment a week after your initial one.

This is necessary so that the efficacy of the treatment can be assessed and any problems may be identified and addressed. This visit, albeit inconvenient at times, is crucial. Due to advanced tools, your dentist will be able to check up on the progress of your porcelain veneers. In addition, this will provide you with a chance to discuss any issues or queries you've had with your new veneers since your procedure.

2. Feel free to inquire about anything.

Let your true feelings and thoughts out in whatever way you choose. Be bold about asking questions or voicing issues, such as if you're worried about the quality of your dental hygiene or have any other doubts. Make it a habit to inquire about how best to care for your veneers and your teeth in general from your dentist.

The veneers are challenging, but they can be broken, and if they are, the restoration might be pricey. However, if you follow the recommendations in this article and see your dentist before getting veneers, they may last as long as 20 years. They are one of the finest ways to quickly enhance the appearance of your smile because of their durability, effectiveness, and aesthetic appeal.

3. Maintain your dental hygiene routine.

Maintaining good health is essential regardless of whether or not you have brand-new, white crowns on your teeth. If you want your veneers to look as wonderful as the day you got them, you'll need to take better care of your teeth than ever before.

You should keep up with your regular dental hygiene practice of brushing twice a day. Prioritize your dental health and use fluoride toothpaste without abrasives.

4. Avoid over-grinding.

Many people suffer from the widespread issue of habitually clenching or grinding their teeth. This can occur if you're under a great deal of stress or anxiety, and it typically manifests itself during your sleep. Constant strain and tension can wear down the porcelain veneers, which is problematic if you have them.

Tell your dentist if you worry about this or have a history of teeth grinding. The good news is that you may protect your teeth from night-time stressors and injuries with a protective bite guard.

5. Eat only healthy meals

Having veneers imposes this limitation, which could be better. It will help if you steer clear of anything that might harm them. Thankfully, this also typically coincides with foods harmful to your natural teeth. Avoid damaging your teeth's aesthetics by not chewing on ice or hard candies.

But on the other hand, foods and drinks that stain your natural teeth won't have much of an effect on your veneers, whether it's coffee or blueberries. However, they might leave a stain on your natural teeth that could become obvious with time.

Closing Thoughts

Remember that a grin won't solve all your problems, but it could make you feel better about yourself. Showing off a radiant grin without feeling self-conscious about your teeth is a priceless gift that may drastically improve your happiness and quality of life.

It would help if you now understood the potential risks and how to mitigate them when it comes to porcelain veneers. You wouldn't want to waste money replacing your veneers. Schedule an appointment with Sharp Dentistry & Associates if this occurs.

Contact Sharp Dentistry & Associates at 305-857-0990 or visit their website to learn more about porcelain veneers in Miami.