Black Civil Rights History Class

In 2012 Sharon Levin and Elise Levin-Güracar took a class on Black Civil Rights History co-taught by Minnijean Brown-Trickey, one of the Little Rock Nine, and Jeff Steinberg, founder of Sojourn to the Past. They both learned a lot, but it’s also possible that Sharon was *that* student who kept answering questions (it’s also possible that Elise stopped sitting by her mother after the first class). Sharon was actually answering the questions correctly, which puzzled Jeff Steinberg, who thought he was asking questions about lesser known people and events.

When he asked Sharon, “HOW?!? How do you know all this?” she answered, “Children’s books. Every question I’ve answered has come from a children’s book, and mainly picture books.”

From that has come this class, where we use children’s literature to go deep into the history of African-Americans from 1619 to the mid-1960’s while connecting it all to present day.

From one parent we heard:

  • This education is one of the best Anti-Racist tools I’ve ever seen.

More testimonials can be found here:

And full information on the class can be found here: