My first job out of college was as a special needs teacher. I worked for a large high school teaching students who had mild intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism. As much as I enjoyed my time in the classroom it was a balancing act. I spent hours creating curriculum, collaborating with specialty providers, taking data, providing training to assistants...

Designing with Empathy

We’ve finally made it to 2021! 2020 was tumultuous. Between COVID and the most hotly contested election on the books, we’ve seen the national divide grow larger, and larger. Throughout the year as I read the news, one thing I always tried to continue to lead, create, and communicate with empathy.

By nature, instructional designers typically meet with all types of stakeholders: learners, clients, sponsors, and managers, just to name a few (Rothwell et al., 2015). Each of these people require some amount of rapport to maintain a positive...

Getting the Ball Rolling on New Projects

For the past few weeks my team of four have been working diligently to get our project off the ground. We spent a few meetings hashing out a team charter to ensure we had procedural failsafes organized in the event things got hairy. I must admit, I was overwhelmed by talking through these hypothetical situations. I then thought back to ...

Tips and Tricks for Job Aid Design

Job aids are a cost-effective way to support learners on specific job-related tasks. They frequently have the highest ROI and can be created quickly (Willmore, 2018). Whether you’re creating your first job aid or looking to spruce up previous material- here are some quick...

Performance measurement is where the analysis and the evaluation stages of ADDIE meet.

When designing instructional content and performance improvement measures, practitioners begin with analyzing the problem and designing performance objectives that can close the gap. These performance objectives will become...