Postdoctoral Fellows, Ph.D. applicants, and unpaid Bachelor/Master Interns (for a minimum of six months): 

If you come across this page directly, please visit our Research Themes and Lab Publications pages first. 

If you are still interested in applying to various positions in our lab: 

Apply using this link: Ph.D./PostDoc/Internship Google Form

If you have any queries about this form or vacancies in our lab, please email us at

Update as of March 28, 2024: 

We are enthusiastically looking for 1-2 postdoctoral candidates to work on high-throughput computational projects. 

A suitable candidate must understand biology well and have good bioinformatics knowledge. 

We will support you by providing:

1. An independent working environment to prepare you for the next stage of your life 

2. Ample opportunities to collaborate and network with academia and industry folks.


We will recruit 1 Ph.D. student in the July 2024 session.

The selected candidate will work on high-throughput microbial genomics to understand microbial physiology and evolution. A candidate with good skills in bioinformatics or computational biology will be preferred. Experience will also be given preference. 


We are not looking for Bachelor/Master Interns for this year. 


General Instructions 

Here are a few key points to consider before showing your interest via Ph.D./PostDoc/Internship Google Form:

Do you have these Essential skills?

Do you have these Desirable skills? 

Looking forward to interacting and working with some of you. 

For Postdoctoral Fellows

Based on our mutual interest, we will be happy to assist you in writing the following Fellowships:

Looking forward to interacting and working with some of you. 

Programs offered at IIT Hyderabad: 

Ph.D. program at IIT Hyderabad: 

Other career opportunities at IIT Hyderabad: 

Funding opportunities for PhD Students and Postdocs in India: Please go through this Comprehensive Information Booklet from IndiaBioscience


Present Address:

Office BT-401, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Sangareddy, Telangana, India 502285

Institute page: 
