News at a Glance

Our lab is funded with the Start-up Research Grant (SRG)

On the occasion of Teacher's day, we also received an additional happy news. 

SERB, Government of India has also technically approved our SRG proposal.

September 5, 2023

Gaurav Sharma has been inducted as an IAS Associate.

Honored to be inducted as an Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences @IAScBng! It's an incredible honor to join this prestigious scientific community. I look forward to contributing to academy initiatives. 

Thanks @IITHyderabad @BTIITH @omics_lab, for their constant support.

Aug 21, 2023

Gyanesh, Niharika, Shravani, and Jaimin: New PhD students

Four students joined our lab in the July 2023 session. They would work on diverse microbial genomics aspects.

Welcome to our lab, folks. May the DATA be with YOU

July 14, 2023

Richa & Haneen's First paper has been accepted in "Frontiers in Plant Science".

Congratulations to Richa & Haneen (first authors) & Akash on publishing their first research paper in 'Frontiers in Plant Sciences'.  Twitter post

Paper link:

Accepted: April 3, 2023



Year-end celebration with a few past/present @omics_lab folks located in Hyderabad. Till now, 23 wonderful people have worked with us & it feels great seeing them occasionally. We missed others; they might be getting hiccups. 

Merry Christmas.

Happy New Year 2023! 

Onwards & upwards! 

December 25, 2022

Dr. Sharma has joined "IIT Hyderabad" as an Assistant professor. 

Our lab is shifting to Hyderabad. Thank you, IBAB Bengaluru, for a great start.  

September 29, 2022

AMI Young Scientist Award-2021

Gaurav Sharma has been awarded the "AMI Young Scientist Award-2021 (Environmental Microbiology)" by the Association of Microbiologists of India.

September 22, 2022 

Welcoming Haneen

Haneen has joined our lab as the third Ph.D. student. She would work on medicinal plant metagenomics, understanding their associated microbiota, physiology, and secondary metabolite potential.

Good luck with everything, Haneen. 

April  31, 2022

Welcoming Riya, AAqib, Shruti, Aayushi, and Arpita

Five IBAB students have joined our lab as dissertation students. They will work on diverse microbial genomics projects and learn new ways of computational biology. 

Good luck with everything, folks

January 1, 2022

Our paper has been accepted in "NATURE Biotechnology."

Our short correspondence on SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance is now out in Nature Biotechnology. Here, we identified the time lag from strain Collection to genome Submission at GISAID (CSTlag) for >1.7M SARS-CoV-2 strains.

Publication Link: 

August 10, 2021

Welcoming Richa

Richa has joined our lab as the second Ph.D. student. She would work on medicinal plant genomics with a focus on understanding their physiology and secondary metabolites.

Welcome to our lab, Richa. Good luck. 

January 4, 2021

Welcoming Utkarsha

Utkarsha has joined as the FIRST Ph.D. student in our lab. She would work with myxobacterial comparative genomics focused on their genome size and evolution.

Welcome to our lab, Utkarsha. Good luck. 

March 8, 2021

Our work on the largest bacterial genome is now published in "BMC GENOMICS". 

A part of my Ph.D. work has been now published. In this work, we sequenced, assembled, and annotated a 16.04 Mbp circular genome of Minicystis rosea DSM 24000T, the largest bacterial genome sequenced to date along with its genome characterization, and further emphasized the putative reasons for its genome expansion.

September 13, 2021

Welcome Niharika, Shruti, Kishan, & Kevin

Welcoming @official_ibab MSc students (Niharika, @ShruSinha, and @kalia_kishan) along with Kevin (an external student from Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat). They will work on their dissertation projects with us @omics_lab for six months. I hope you will have a good learning experience.

May the DATA be with YOU. 

January 7, 2021

Role of CglB protein in Myxobacterial adventurous gliding motility

Another fruitful multi-institutional collaboration work with @IslaMyxoLab @inrsciences & Tam Mignot @lcb_officiel is out in @biorxivpreprint. #Myxococcus

@ucdavis @ucdavisbiology @IndiaDST @omics_lab 

Updated: July 22, 2020


Our work on 864 Indian SARS-CoV-2 genomes (distributed month-wise) is now available at bioRxiv where we have identified 30 variants showing contrasting mutational probabilities within a span of four months. We are suggesting that 25 of them are propagating with time whereas 5 are terminating. 

Updated: July 14, 2020

Welcoming Animesh

Animesh joined as a Project Intern in our lab. He would be focused on Phage Genomic studies.

Welcome to our lab, Animesh. Good luck. 

July 2, 2020

Our paper on SARS-CoV-2 Genomics: diversity & evolution is published in PeerJ

When the lockdown started in Late March, I started teaching the "Advanced Bioinformatics" course to @official_ibab MSc II semester students using recently sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Two months of teaching and extensive research work leads to this publication @thePeerJ. I am always enthusiastic for such "teaching-based Research" with students.

Publication link:

Accepted: July 1, 2020 

BPS Paper is published in PLOS BIOLOGY.

Finally, the first collaborative project with @IslaMyxoLab, Tâm Mignot, and @EmiliaMauriello is out in @PLOSBiology. Here we have identified the functional and evolutionary aspects of a novel biosurfactant polysaccharide (BPS) in Myxococcus xanthus. 

"Modulation of bacterial multicellularity via spatio-specific polysaccharide secretion" 

June 10, 2020

Welcoming Sneha

Sneha joined as a Project Assistant jointly in our Lab, BioIT Centre, and Dr. Shruthi Vembar's Lab. In our lab, her focus would be on Microbial Genomics and Microbiome studies.

Welcome to our lab, Sneha. Good luck. 

March 23, 2020

New Collaboration paper in MRA 

Draft Genome Sequence of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus NCT7M, Obtained from the Microbiome of a Marine Copepod

Welcome Shradha 

Shradha joined SharmaG_omics Lab as a Project intern. Welcome to our lab. She will learn the basic of genomics first followed by doing Myxobacterial genomics. 

Feb 11, 2020

Welcome Drishti and Azra

Our IBAB M.Sc. students, Drishti and Azra, joined SharmaG_omics Lab to do their Master's dissertation. Welcome to our group, guys. We are looking forward to doing exciting work with you. 

Drishti will be involved in Myxobacterial genomics whereas Azra will study Myxobacterial transcriptomics.  

Jan 5, 2020

Publications during 2019

We wish you Happy New Year 2020. We have published four manuscripts (2 as first co-author and 2 as co-author) during 2019 in Genomics, Microbiol Resource Announcement, and BMC Microbiology journals. 

Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead 2020.

May the Data be with you.

Welcome, Vaishnavi and Shenu

Vaishnavi and Shenu Joined our Lab as pioneer members. Special applause for them.

They will work as project assistants. We welcome both of you to our group.

Nov 1, 2019

I am very excited to have joined the Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology, Bengaluru, as a DST-INSPIRE Faculty. My lab will be focused on understanding diverse aspects of microbial genomics & plant microbiome. 

My institutional Web page can be accessed from here. 

Aug 1, 2019

NEWS Till August 1, 2019