Sharing policies and approaches aimed at tackling Employment obstacles faced by adults with mental health issues
Project Duration: Commencing on December 11, 2023, and concluding by January 11, 2025, this project is anticipated to last for a total of 14 months.
Project Summary
What do we want to achieve by implementing the project:
Motivated by a common goal, four partners from three EU countries aspire to facilitate employment opportunities in the
digital era for adults with mental health problems. Their aim is to share inspiring practices from Belgium, Greece, and Italy
with adults diagnosed with bipolar disorder or ADHD and their family caregivers. Additionally, they seek to create the
"Comprehensive Guide to Meaningful Employment for Adults with Mental Health Challenges".
What activities we are going to implement:
We have planned three learning activities in Belgium, Greece, and Italy to enhance the employability of adults with mental
health issues. Additionally, we will create a Comprehensive Guide to Meaningful Employment for Adults with Mental Health
Challenges. To increase awareness about our project, we will organize four National Awareness Events in each country to
coincide with World Mental Health Day. Furthermore, we will conduct a communication campaign to promote the project.
What results do we expect to have:
Share4Employment aims to increase awareness about the transition to meaningful employment for adults who live with
mental health problems and their caregivers. Additionally, the project will benefit partner organizations in various ways, such
as establishing a sustainable network that focuses on enhancing the work life of individuals with bipolar disorder or ADHD
and their caregivers, as well as facilitating their involvement in European projects and leveraging the experience of other partners.
Project Code: