It's very easy the share any public route available on The simplest option is to share a link to the route but you can also share an image of the route or embed a route map onto your own website if you wish.

I have an application where I want to show the same set of components / routes in multiple places in the application. Think something like multiple panels or side bars where the user can show the same components in multiple locations depending upon what they select.

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My idea was to use the angular router with named outlets for this. That would allow for easy reuse of components supporting dynamic creation as well as keeping the current routing state in the URL for easy reloading.

What I would like is to just set the router with a single route to the given component and then be able to call router.navigate with any defined route but tell it to load that route in the named outlet.

Note: I know I could use something like Portals from the Angular CDK and dynamically load the components. The problem with that though is that the state of what the user is seeing doesn't get stored into the URL to manage by the router and it also prevents the use of router lazy loading.

This solution can be helpful when the application is already loaded. But if you try to load a URL which has a path with a named outlet and if that route is not defined in the router configuration it will throw an error.

To overcome that situation you can listen to the NavigationStart event at the module level and there you can examine the URL and add routes accordingly. Though it is possible to do it does not feels clean to me. I hope this will help.

The solution for me was to connect with a VPN which I'm already hosting on Azure. Additionally as others have mentioned in this thread, escape any / with %2f. Also, add the share name in the connection URL. For example, if your share name is my-data then the connection URL should contain

Your iPhone can predict how long it may take you to get to a destination, and you can share your estimated time of arrival (ETA) while following driving, cycling, and walking directions in the Maps app .

You can also use the Messages, Find My, and Contacts apps to share your ETA with others. See Share your location in Messages on iPhone, Share your location in Find My on iPhone, or Edit contacts on iPhone.

Are you headed home from work? Or picking someone up? Share your route, estimated time of arrival and real-time position on the map with your family and friends so they know exactly when to expect you.

Your planned route will be visible on the Glympse map, which can be viewed in a browser or in the Glympse application (download it for free for iOS, Android or Windows). Your current position and predicted time of arrival are frequently updated. So if you run late or travel faster than initially calculated, the person viewing the map will always get accurate information about your whereabouts. Find out more about the Route sharing feature here.

Google Maps recently added a new location-sharing feature to its app for iPhone and iPad. This is useful when you're trying to meet up with people, especially in large areas like parks or beaches. You can easily choose who you share with, how long you share, and how. The app also makes it easy to share directions to destinations, great for getting input on potential routes or for planning shared trips with other drivers.

You can share the Resolver rules that you created using one AWS account with other AWS accounts. To share rules,the Route 53 Resolver console integrates with AWS Resource Access Manager. For more information about Resource Access Manager, see theResource Access Manager User Guide.

If another AWS account has shared one or more rules with your account, you can associate the ruleswith your VPCs the same way that you associate rules that you created with your VPCs. For more information, seeAssociating forwarding rules with a VPC.

If you share a rule with other accounts and then either delete the rule or stop sharing it,and if the rule was associated with one or more VPCs, Route 53 Resolver starts to process DNS queries for those VPCsbased on the remaining rules. The behavior is the same as if you disassociate the rule from the VPC.

When an account that a rule is shared with associates the rule with one or more VPCs, the maximumnumber of associations between rules and VPCs per Region applies to the account that the rule is shared with.

To view the current sharing status of a rule (including the account that shared the account or the account that a rule isshared with), and to share rules with another account, perform the following procedure.

On the Rule: rule name page, the value under Ownerdisplays ID of the account that created the rule. That's the current account unless the value of Sharing statusis Shared with me. In that case, Owner is the account that created the rule andshared it with the current account.

Developers and administrators can configure routes and domains for their apps using the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI).This topic describes how routes and domains work in Cloud Foundry (Cloud Foundry).For more information about routing capabilities in Cloud Foundry, see HTTP routing.

The Cloud Foundry Gorouter routes requests to apps by associating an app with an address, known as a route. This is known as a mapping. Usethe cf CLI cf map-route command to associate an app and route.

The routing tier compares each request with a list of all the routes mapped to apps and attempts to find the best match. For example, the Gorouter makes the following matches for the two routes and

Request Matched Route No match; 404

The Gorouter does not use a route to match requests until the route is mapped to an app. In the example, might have been created as a route in Cloud Foundry, but until it is mapped to an app, requests for the route receive a 404 error.

The routing tier knows the location of instances for apps mapped to routes. After the routing tier calculates a route as the best match for a request, it makes a load-balancing calculation using a round-robin algorithm, and forwards the request to an instance of the mapped app.

Developers can map many apps to a single route, resulting in load-balanced requests for the route across all instances of all mapped apps. This approach activates the blue/green rolling deployment strategy. Developers can also map an individual app to multiple routes, enabling access to the app from many URLs.The number of routes that can be mapped to each app is approximately 1000 (128 KB).

Routes belong to a space, and developers can only map apps to a route created in or shared with the same space. For more information about sharing routes across spaces, see Share a route with another space .

HTTP routes include a domain, a host name (optional), and a context path (optional).,, and are all examples of HTTP routes. Apps listen to the localhost port defined by the $PORT environment variable, which is 8080 on Diego. For example, requests to are routed to the application container at localhost:8080.

Requests to HTTP routes must be sent to ports 80 or 443. Ports cannot be reserved for HTTP routes. You can update the ports on which an app can receive requests through the Cloud Controller API. For more information, see Configuring apps to listen on custom ports (Beta).

TCP routes include a domain and a route port. A route port is the port clients make requests to. This is not the same port as what an app pushed to Cloud Foundry listens on. is an example of a TCP route. Just as for HTTP routes, apps listen to the localhost port defined by the $PORT environment variable, which is 8080 on Diego. For example, requests to are routed to the application container at localhost:8080.

Cloud Foundry apps can communicate with each other securely and directly over internal routes that never leave the platform.Apps running on Windows cells cannot use internal, container-to-container routes.

When a developer creates a route using the cf CLI, Cloud Foundry determines whether the route is an HTTP or a TCP route based on the domain. To create a HTTP route, a developer must choose an HTTP domain. To create a TCP route, a developer must choose a TCP domain.

Domains in Cloud Foundry provide a namespace from which to create routes. To list available domains for a targeted organization, use the cf domains command. For more information about domains, see Domains.

In Cloud Foundry, a host name is the label that indicates a subdomain of the domain associated with the route. Given a, a developer can create the route by specifying the host name example-app with thecf create-route command as shown in this example:

If a client sends a request to by accident, attempting to reach,Cloud Foundry routes the request to the app mapped to the route *

cf CLI v7$ cf create-route --hostname store --path productsCreating route for org example-org / space example-space as$ cf create-route --hostname store --path ordersCreating route for org example-org / space example-space as$ cf create-route --hostname storeCreating route for org example-org / space example-space as e24fc04721

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