#shapecyprus: Impact

Assessing our IMPACT

The Nicosia Hub is developing various tools in order to assess its impact on the Nicosia community.

We aspire to establish a platform where civil society organisations, businesses, academic institutions, and governmental stakeholders will be able to interact with each other, in order to further progress and sustainable development across our society.

At the moment, we are experimenting with developing and using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in an attempt to quantify our existing data. Simultaneously, we take in data from our social media platforms to keep track of online engagement through our posts across all accounts we use. Finally, we are working towards introducing new surveys following different events, in order to obtain more constructive feedback as a means of improving.

We also take individual feedback rather seriously. We strongly encourage our partners, network, fellow Shapers, as well as members of the wider public to submit any useful comments or feedback they may have at nicosiashapers@gmail.com

Key Pillars

We take into account the following pillars while tracking our impact and progress:


We are interested in the longevity and continuity of our projects. We do not simply wish to have an event or a project for the sake of expanding our portfolio alone. We take into careful consideration how we can have a long-lasting impact by adopting sustainable practices within our hub, integrating our contacts into a wider network. As part of this, we aspire to create a Nicosia-wide manifesto, creating institutional memory within our partner networks.

Inevitably, a bit part under this also focuses on sustainable environmental practices and awareness campaigns. We seek to be sustainable within our Hub, but we also want to transmit our energy to the wider community!

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity

We are open to a wider audience - we do not discriminate and we do not have preferences* in terms of who joins us. We welcome potential members warmly and we ask them from Day 1 to be part of our #shapecyprus initiatives by engaging in project and events work.

Certainly, this also requires strong action on gender equity practices - a key principle shared across our Hub members.

*exceptions include those outlined in the Global Shapers Community Guidelines and Charter, e.g. members have to be of a certain age, be based in the city they are applying for, among others.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

We always encourage innovation and entrepreneurship across our events and projects.

Our Shapers come from various backgrounds and walks of life: from government and local authorities, to academia, startups, business and finance, we have a large network of young entrepreneurs and leaders in their own respective fields. As such, networking inevitably takes place.

We utilise this network in order to organise our events and in order to spread knowledge and innovation across the rest of society.