Governance Structure

Our Governance Structure, in line with the Community and Hub Charters, are as follows:

  • Curatorship (Curator & Vice Curator)

  • Outgoing Curator

  • Impact Officer

Key Roles and Responsibilities within the Nicosia Hub, according to the Nicosia Hub Charter:

  • Secretary

  • Recruitment Lead

  • Hub Strategist

  • Treasurer

  • Project Manager

  • Communications Lead

  • Social Activities Officer

For 2021-2022, the current Shapers have taken up the following roles:

Curator: Petros Petrikkos

Vice Curator: Marios Eleftheriou

Outgoing Curator: Christine Shahbenderian

Impact Officer: Chara Palekythriti

Secretary: Basma Naiisseh

Recruitment Lead: Christina Constantinou

Hub Strategist: Eleftheria Photiou

Treasurer: Eleni Savva

Project Manager: Alexandra Taylor

Communications Lead: Athena Stavrinidou

Social Activities Officer: Evrydiki Papavarnava