Transitional Milestones

Patterns of Performance

In 2013, to provide insight on an athlete development in elite sport, researchers preformed a comprehensive study, including "256 elite athletes across 27 different sport" (Gulbin et al., 2013. pg 1). From results, researchers developed the Athlete Development Triangle (ADT). The following model details the progressive levels of competition within competitive sport. The ADT model gives a good representation of the Athletic Career Transition Model, as it differentiates between the junior transitional pathway and the transitions of the senior athlete.

Predictable-Normative athletic career transitions are relatively consistent among all areas of different competitive sports. These milestones will consists of; the transition from junior to senior level, and the transition from amateur to professional sports (university and/or varsity sports).

Unpredictable non-normative athletic career transitions are a result of; drop-out, end of season due to environmental circumstance, such as the COVID-19 Pandemic. They also include non-threatening career injuries like: muscle sprains, chronic or acute injury, minor surgery, minor concussions etc...

Retirement however, can be seen as a predictable normative transition, or a non-predictable transition.

Gulbin , J., Weissensteiner, J., Oldenziel, K., & Gagne, F. (2013). Patterns of performance development in elite athletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 1-10. Retrieved from