What does the literature say?
Over the years, numerous frameworks and models have been theorized to further define the measures, aftermath, and causes associated with athlete career transitions (Mateu, et al., 2020). Of many, the most famous is the Atheltic Career Transition Model established by Schlossberg (n.d.). The model explains the impact of multiple transitional process, and their relationship towards one's personal coping abilities. A brief description of the model is shown in the following image.
Over the years, numerous frameworks and models have been theorized to further define the measures, aftermath, and causes associated with athlete career transitions (Mateu, et al., 2020). Of many, the most famous is the Atheltic Career Transition Model established by Schlossberg (n.d.). The model explains the impact of multiple transitional process, and their relationship towards one's personal coping abilities. A brief description of the model is shown in the following image.
(Franck, 2018)
The model suggests that there is a correlation among the type of transition, the characteristics associated with everyday life, and the athletes ability to adapt, or cope.
The model suggests that there is a correlation among the type of transition, the characteristics associated with everyday life, and the athletes ability to adapt, or cope.
The junior-to-senior transition model was construction with the consideration of numerous theoretical perspectives, those being, ecological; the athletes is surrounded by different environmental layers that impact their overall development; the holistic model which suggests that the development of the athlete is determined by the interdisciplinary domains of athletic, psychological, psycho-social, academic and financial level (Wylleman, Alfermann, & Lavallee, 2004). And, the developmental model which is seen above.
The junior-to-senior transition model was construction with the consideration of numerous theoretical perspectives, those being, ecological; the athletes is surrounded by different environmental layers that impact their overall development; the holistic model which suggests that the development of the athlete is determined by the interdisciplinary domains of athletic, psychological, psycho-social, academic and financial level (Wylleman, Alfermann, & Lavallee, 2004). And, the developmental model which is seen above.
In analyzing the transition of 'junior to senior' advancements, Franck (2018), was concerned with the increasing number of athlete drop out in sport. Suggesting that the Swedish sporting career options were biased; the limited elite athlete program allowed athletes to combined education and sport, however, for those who did not qualify, they had to "find their own paths" (e.g., finding the optimal balance between sport, studies, and private life) in the sport clubs. [In addition to finding], schools in the their locales that provide the opportunities to be involved in sports" (Franck, 2018. pg. 3). The following model is the most recent integrated transitional model, as it incorporates all dimensions of the athletes transitional career.
In analyzing the transition of 'junior to senior' advancements, Franck (2018), was concerned with the increasing number of athlete drop out in sport. Suggesting that the Swedish sporting career options were biased; the limited elite athlete program allowed athletes to combined education and sport, however, for those who did not qualify, they had to "find their own paths" (e.g., finding the optimal balance between sport, studies, and private life) in the sport clubs. [In addition to finding], schools in the their locales that provide the opportunities to be involved in sports" (Franck, 2018. pg. 3). The following model is the most recent integrated transitional model, as it incorporates all dimensions of the athletes transitional career.
(Franck, 2018))
The following quote form Andronikos et all, summarizes the following framework nicely;
The following quote form Andronikos et all, summarizes the following framework nicely;
"Research has shown that development experiences, barriers and the environmental factors can influence the outcome of the trajectory to elite level. Culture itself has an effect on athletes' transitions and therefore the development of athletes in different cultures and environments needs to be explored."
"Research has shown that development experiences, barriers and the environmental factors can influence the outcome of the trajectory to elite level. Culture itself has an effect on athletes' transitions and therefore the development of athletes in different cultures and environments needs to be explored."
(Andronikos , G., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. (n.d.))
Andronikos , G., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. (n.d.). Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athletes’ Perspective. Athens Journal of Sport, 6(4), 195-214. doi:0.30958/ajspo.6-4-2
Franck, A. (2018). The Junior-to-Senior Transition in Swedish Athletes. Linnaeus University Press, 1-80. Retrieved from https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1168706/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Mateu, P., Ingles, E., Torregrossa, M., Marques, R., Stambulova, N., & Vilanova, A.(2020). Living Life Through Sport: The Transition of Elite Spanish Student-Athletes to a University Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. frontiers in Psychology. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3388/fpsyg.2020.01367
Wylleman , P., Alfermann, D., & Lavallee, D. (2004). Career transitions in sport: European perspectives. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5(1), 7-20. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/S1469-0292(02)00049-3
Andronikos , G., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. (n.d.). Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athletes’ Perspective. Athens Journal of Sport, 6(4), 195-214. doi:0.30958/ajspo.6-4-2
Franck, A. (2018). The Junior-to-Senior Transition in Swedish Athletes. Linnaeus University Press, 1-80. Retrieved from https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1168706/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Mateu, P., Ingles, E., Torregrossa, M., Marques, R., Stambulova, N., & Vilanova, A.(2020). Living Life Through Sport: The Transition of Elite Spanish Student-Athletes to a University Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. frontiers in Psychology. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3388/fpsyg.2020.01367
Wylleman , P., Alfermann, D., & Lavallee, D. (2004). Career transitions in sport: European perspectives. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5(1), 7-20. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/S1469-0292(02)00049-3
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