
Ontario Vital Events- Interactive Dashboard

I used an open-access dataset containing the number of births, deaths, marriages, and stillbirths registered by the Registrar General from 1994. 


RaMSeS: Researcher’s Management of Search and Storage 

– Introduced the RaMSeS model, delineating the academic document collection management process within the context of academic document creation.

– Designed and deployed a survey to collect user feedback and preferences.

– Utilized Python for data analysis, including data visualization techniques like cluster analysis and correlation analysis. Utilized statistical significance analysis for robust results.

– Collaborated effectively in a multidisciplinary team to achieve project objectives.

– Maintained comprehensive documentation of design decisions and research findings. 

Information on Teachers in BC School Districts

This was a Project for INFORMATION VISUALIZATION (CSC 511) course by Prof. Charles Perin 

- Our first dataset is the “British Columbia (BC) Public School Teacher Statistics”, which includes all data used in public reports from 2013 to 2021.

- The second dataset is records of “Student enrolment and FTE by Grade including facility type and counts by indigeneity”. 

- The targeted users are the education policymakers to analyze the condition of teachers across BC's various school districts.

Doctor Finder Mobile App

– Developed this mobile application for locating doctors and scheduling appointments.

– Used Retrofit API for handling HTTP requests and RESTful API interactions, Postman for API testing.

– XML for UI design, Java for development, and Python for certain backend functionalities.

– Version control using GitLab for efficient collaboration and code management 

IFIC Bank: IT Support Portal

During my stay at IFIC Bank Limited Bangladesh, I have got the chance to work with amazing technologies. I have developed a web solution for the end-users to mitigate their common tech-related issues. The main goal of this project was to give them the solution of common issues like core-banking software setup procedure, setting the devices they are using. 

Bayanno-Net: Bangla Handwritten Digit Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks

-- Explored the topic of handwritten digit recognition, a novel and evolving field in recent years.

-- Acknowledged the complexities of recognizing handwriting, which vary among languages due to differences in shapes, character numbers, and strokes.

-- Highlighted the significance of recognizing Bangla as the 7th most popular language based on the number of first language speakers.

-- Differentiated from traditional approaches that use discrete feature extraction methods and algorithms, emphasizing the use of Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks for improved accuracy in image classification.

-- Proposed the use of a Convolutional Neural Network named "ByannoNet" for identifying Bangla handwritten digits.

-- Utilized the rich NumtaDB dataset, generated and published by the community.

-- Demonstrated the success of the proposed model, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 97% with a very low cross-entropy rate. 

InceptB: A CNN Based Classification Approach for Recognizing Traditional Bengali Games 

-- Introduced autonomous decision-making and predictive models in computer vision to recognize and analyze various sports events and activities, reflecting the emerging trend in the field.

-- Addressed the scarcity of efforts in applying computer vision to recognize traditional Bangladeshi games, despite the advances in recognizing popular Western games.

-- Presented a novel Deep Learning-based approach for identifying traditional Bengali games.

-- Employed retraining of the final layer of the Inception V3 architecture by Google for the classification approach.

-- Achieved promising results, with an average accuracy of approximately 80%, in correctly recognizing five traditional Bangladeshi sports events. 

A Novel Approach for Tomato Diseases Classification Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

-- Leveraged neural networks for solving agricultural challenges, specifically focusing on early detection of tomato diseases.

-- Developed a 15-layered Deep Convolutional Neural Network to classify five different tomato diseases with high accuracy and low cross-entropy.

-- Addressed a critical issue in the agriculture industry, where plant diseases have long been a major factor affecting product quality.

-- Demonstrated the potential of artificial intelligence to contribute to the success and rapid growth of the agricultural sector.

-- Provided a basic approach for tomato disease classification, contributing to the agroindustry's success and the improvement of product quality. 

Shot-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Classifying Different Cricket Shots.

-- Leveraged Artificial Intelligence for data analytics in the context of sports, specifically in classifying six categories of cricket shots.

-- Developed a 13-layered Convolution Neural Network known as "Shot-Net" for this task.

-- Successfully classified cricket shots, including Cut Shot, Cover Drive, Straight Drive, Pull Shot, Scoop Shot, and Leg Glance Shot.

-- Achieved a high level of accuracy with a low cross-entropy rate, demonstrating the effectiveness of Deep Neural Networks in sports data analysis.