
Research Area Wise Publications


Book Chapters:

Aaqib Bulla, Shahid M Shah, " Physical Layer Security for Energy Efficient IoT with Information and Power Transfer ", accepted as a chapter for upcoming Book Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things, CRC Taylor & Francis Publishers, December 2020

Conference Publications

1) Shahid M. Shah, Vireshwar Kumar, Vinod Sharma , "Achievable Secrecy Sum-Rate in a Fading MAC-WT with Power Control and without CSI of Eavesdropper", IEEE International conference on Signal Processing and COMmunications-2012 (SPCOM 2012).

2) R. Rajesh, Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, " On Secrecy above the Secrecy Capacity", Proceedings of IEEE Internation Conference on Communication Systems ICCS 2012, Singapore.

3) Shahid M. Shah, Parmeswaram S, Vinod Sharma, " Previous Messages provide the key to achieve Shannon Capacity in a Wiretap Channel" , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC) - Workshop InfSec, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.

4) Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, "Achieving Shannon Capacity Region as Secrecy Rate Region in a Multiple Access Wiretap Channel", In proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015, New Orleans, USA. (Available in Arxiv: )

5) Shahid M Shah, Krishna Chaitanya A, Vinod Sharma, "Resource Allocation in Fading Multiple Access Wiretap Channel via Game Theoretic Learning", presented at 2016 Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, Scripps Seaside Forum, La Jolla, San Diego , USA , January 31 - February 5, 2016 (Invited paper) (Link to proceedings catalog)

6) Shahid M Shah, "Modelling energy consumption of domestic households via supervised and unsupervised learning: A Case Study", Accepted for publication in proceedings for Second Symposium on Machine Learning and Metaheuristics Algorithms, and Applications (SoMMA'20) .

7) Sristi Dyuthi , Shahid M Shah, "Activity Modeling of individuals in domestic households using fuzzy logic", Accepted for publication in proceedings for Second Symposium on Machine Learning and Metaheuristics Algorithms, and Applications (SoMMA'20) .

8) Mir Shahnawaz, Shahid M Shah, "Supervised Machine Learning Approaches for Attack Detection in the IoT Network" accepted in International Conference on IoT and its Applications (ICIA-2020)

9) A. Bulla, Shahid M Shah, "Energy Efficient Power Allocation for Secure SWIPT in IoT-DAS using Fractional Optimization", accepted in International Conference on IoT and its Applications (ICIA-2020)


Journal Publications


1) Shahid M Shah, Krishna Chaitanya A, Vinod Sharma, "Resource allocation in fading MAC via Algorithmic Game Theory: with and without security", EURASIP Journal of Wireless communication and networking, 26 June, 2017 (Impact factor: 2.455)

2) Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, "Enhancing Secrecy Rates in a wiretap channel", Elsevier Digital Communication and Networking (IF: 6.797), March, 2018

3) Shahid M Shah, Rufaidah Bhat, Taiba Wani, Arieb Ashraf, Syed Farah Naz, " Optimal Rotation Angle for Finite Constellation over AWGN Multiple Access Wiretap Channel ", Accepted for IET Communications (IF: 1.664)

4) Shahnawaz, M, Shahid M Shah, "Mitigating malicious insider attacks in the Internet of Things using supervised machine learning techniques", accepted for publication in scalable computing: practice and experience Journal. (Scopus, WoS Indexed, E-SCI).

5) A. Bulla, Shahid M Shah, "Secure Energy Efficiency: Power Allocation and Outage Analysis for SWIPT-in-DAS based IoT", preprint available at, accepted in ICT Express, September 2021 (SCI, IF=4.317)

6) M. Shahnawaz, Shahid M Shah, "Moving Beyond the Crypto-Currency Success of Blockchain: A Systematic Survey", accepted for publication in scalable computing: practice and experience Journal, November 2021 (Scopus, WoS Indexed, E-SCI)

Journal Pre-prints/Under review

​1) Shahid M Shah, Vinod Sharma, "Enhancing Secrecy Rate Region for Recent Messages for a Slotted Multiple Access Wiretap Channel to Shannon Capacity Region", preprint available at

Technical Report

1) Rajesh Sundaresan, Shayan Garani Srinivasa, Priti Bharadwaj, Tarun Khandelwal, Shahid Mehraj, Nakul Saxena, Harshavardhan Ramanna, Divyansh Khanna, Karan Rajwanshi, Shuvashish Chatterjee, Viney Kaushik, "​Developing a framework for using electricity consumption data to drive energy efficiency in the residential sector", IISc Technical report, May 2017

Some Articles

1) Achieving Strong Secrecy in Discrete Memoryless Wiretap Channel via Extractors