

Disinformation Analysis on Social Media , Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing

Undergrad Thesis

Detecting Fake Reviews Using Yelp Dataset  ( Supervised by Ms. Shanjida Khatun )

Abstract: In the current era of digital world, e-commerce sites are leading in marketing. Products are marketed through these markets where consumers can find their desired products within a short period of time. Consumers increasingly rate, review and research products online. Genuine reviews of a product portray the product’s features and attributes. It helps a business to grow or fall down. Unfortunately, imposters have a strong incentive to game the system by posting fake reviews to promote or demote a certain product or business. We aim to analyze these reviews and classify the fake and non-fake reviews using text analysis and behavioral attributes of a reviewer.

Journal Papers

1. Md. Rayhan Ahmed, Towhidul Islam Robin, Ashfaq Ali Shafin, "Automatic Environmental Sound Recognition (AESR) Using Convolutional Neural Network", International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science(IJMECS), Vol.12, No.5, pp. 41-54, 2020.DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2020.05.04 

2. Md. Rayhan Ahmed, Ashfaq Ali Shafin, "Statistical and Machine Learning Analysis of Impact of Population and Gender Effect in GDP of Bangladesh: A Case Study", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), Vol.12, No.1, pp.24-33, 2020. DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2020.01.04

3. Ashfaq Ali Shafin, "Machine Learning Approach to Forecast Average Weather Temperature of Bangladesh", Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol 19, No 3-D(2019), pp.39-48, July 2019. ISSN 0975-4172

Conference Papers

1. Ruben Recabarren, Bogdan Carbunar, Nestor Hernandez, and Ashfaq Ali Shafin, "Strategies and Vulnerabilities of Participants in Venezuelan Influence Operations", Accepted in the 32nd Usenix Security Symposium, August 2023. DOI:

Workshop Papers

1. Saad Almohaimeed, Saleh Almohaimeed, Ashfaq Ali Shafin, Bogdan Carbunar, Ladislau Boloni, "THOS: A Benchmark Dataset for Targeted Hate and Offensive Speech", Accepted in the Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2023