History of Issaquena County
Issaquena County is a county located in the state of Mississippi. It lies in the southernmost part of the Mississippi Delta Region with Mayersville as its county seat. The county was created from Washington County in 1844. The name of the county is derived from a Native American name meaning “Deer River.” At the time, the Governor of Mississippi was Albert Brown; John Tyler was the United States President.
Website with a plethora of information on Issaquena County from the earliest of times.
Current Communities:
Incorporated towns:
Mayersville no train
Unincorporated communities:
Fitler no train
Grace 182.3 miles from Memphis via Coahoma
o Town incorporated: 8-4-1899
o Post office: 11-20-1889 to present
o Railroads: Y&MV
Businesses (per R. G. Dun & Co.)
Byall & Wineman- general store 1910
H. Danzig- general store 1910
J. Fowler & Son- blacksmiths 1910
Grace Mercantile Co. general store 1910
Robert J. Luhm & Sons- general store and planters 1910
Joe Potaro (near)- grocery 1910
B. Tanner- general store 1910
H. D. Webb- drugs 1910
Tallulah no train
Valley Park (Halpin) 198.2 miles from Memphis
o Town incorporated: 10-18-1899
o Post office: Halpin- 10-16-1884 to 9-18-1890
o Valley Park- 9-19-1890 to present **
o Railroads: M&V- LNO&T- Y&MV- IC- ICG
Past Communities:
Addie no train another town by this name in Simpson County
Albermarle no train
Ashland no train
Baleshed no train
Carolina no train
Chotard no train
Cottonwood no train
Duncansby no train
Elleslie no train
Elwood no train
Garcia no train
Glen Annie no train
Greenbriar no train
Hardee (Biles) 201.2 miles from Memphis
o Town incorporated: no
o Post office: Biles- 12-20-1913 to 3-14-1917
Hardee- 3-15-1917 to 10-13-1920
o Railroads: M&V- LNO&T- Y&MV- IC- ICG
Hays Landing no train
Holly Ridge no train, another town by this name in Sunflower County
Ingomar no train, another town by this name in Union County
Luxembourg no train
Magna Vista no train
Magnolia no train, another town by this name in Pike County
New Mexico* no train
Shiloh Landing no train
Shipland no train
Skipwith Landing no train
Snave no train
Valewood no train
Walnut Ridge no train
Walsh* 202.58 miles from Memphis
o Town incorporated: no
o Post office: no
o Railroads: M&V- LNO&T- Y&MV- IC- ICG
Wilderness no train
Willette no train