See the map in page of introduction.

The line leaves the station of Saint Georges de Commiers, located 20 kilometers south of Grenoble. To reach its terminus, it will travel 30,4 kilometers and will raise from 315 meters to 924 meters.

Its tormented route along the gorges of Drac, in particular, implies a little rectilinear plan. Only 49 % of ways follows a straight line. As for the slope, it can achieve up to 2,75 % on the third party of the route between Saint Georges de Commiers and the pass of Festinière, the peak.

It is necessary to count also 18 tunnels, 6 viaducts and three big bridges. In all, 142 works of art.

For the electrification of the line, two dams were raised from 1890. Over the one of Avignonet, the cliff since the way is 150 meters high. By counting a depth of 150 meters waters also, it was a plunging sight of 300 meters which enjoyed the first passengers before the construction of the dam !

Le barrage de Monteynard-Avignonet

To avoid too stiff slopes, the route contains numerous loops : below the site of La Motte d'Aveillans.

Numerous cameras were placed throughout the way. To take better advantage of the landscape, do not hesitate to use them !