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Cortical Surface Visualization

MATLAB scripts for visualization of surface-mapped scalar values with histograms for each hemisphere. Various surface models created by FreeSurfer (white, pial, inflated, sphere) can be directly loaded. OpenGL is required for transparent overlay. External MATLAB codes (export_fig, color_brewer) are included.

Dependency: FreeSurfer, HW/SW OpenGL

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SPM Scripts

SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) is a well-known MATLAB toolbox for neuroimaging analysis. Most of analyses are programable using the MATLAB batch editor except the thresholded statistical maps for different contrasts. This MATLAB scripts complete the automatization by including automatic generation of results figures for all contrasts in PDF.

Dependency: SPM, GhostScript

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ANTs on HTCondor

ANTs (Advanced normalization tools) is really one of the most advanced tools for volumetric registration. One catch is that the outstanding results come with a huge computational cost. HTCondor (High throughput Computing on large collections of distributively owned computing resources) is a virtual computing environment that utilizes idle resources in an intranet (like SETI@home!). This BASH scripts enable running ANTs on HTCondor environment.

Dependency: ANTs, FSL, HTCondor