Identity Poem  ~ Jack Bobadilla, Washington High School 

They ask me to write down

My Race

And I think

And I think

Very seriously

And consider

Writing down the truth

And have my answer read

My trumpet plays notes

But I call it language

It’s how I speak

From my heart

Inside this body

Chess is a calm game

You are very patient

With the choices that you make

Some can be good and some can be bad

Just like life

Inside this body

My art expresses my feelings

Onto paper

It helps get my anger out

Or sadness

Inside this body

The computer helps me disappear

From the madness of the real world

It take away the bad

Things that are happening.

In the world and I can play my game

Inside this body.

I find useless things

That people think are garbage

I turn them into art

People see I now

As something different

Inside this body

But I stop

And simply

Write down 


© 2021