Our theme for Inclusive Schools Week 2023 is Draw Me In! Participating in art provides a pathway to self-discovery, and sharing art opens doors to understanding and respecting different ways of thinking. Do we see the faces of all children and youth drawn into the canvas of our schools and society today? As we celebrate Inclusive Schools Week 2023, let us respond—Draw Me In!

As part of our continuing celebration of Inclusive Schools Week, we are hosting this district wide online arts showcase. Submissions were open to all students to share what inclusion means for them.  It is related to their disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference or other unique trait that they wanted to to share.   

A big THANK YOU to the students, families and teachers for submitting projects and their creations. If you submitted work and you do not see if featured or if you missed the deadline but have something to share, please email us. 

Now please take a few moments to browse through this website and enjoy the work of our students from this school year and years past as we celebrate Inclusion!

Questions?  Email us at CACSpEdSF@gmail.com