Art has helped me slow down and observe the beauty in our world. 

I was born in Mexico City and raised in Texas. I have been fortunate enough to have lived in several countries including Spain, Costa Rica, Mexico and several states within the US. Still, Texas (Houston) is home.  

My art has been influenced by my travels, the rich cultures I have experienced and many, many artists Old Masters and new contemporary ones that I admire. 

My current interests include contemporary figurative art. I am fascinated by realism but find contemporary expression a vehicle to express complex meaning. My work tries to translate emotions that words cannot express clearly. 

I am still early in my art journey and excited to see where the road takes me. 

Selected Showings

2023Glassel School of Art Student Juried CompetitionHouston, TX 2022 

Archway Gallery Juried Competition Houston, TX

Art Education

2019-  Present

The Glassel School of Art, Houston, TX


Certificate of Completion, New Masters Academy, online course in Dynamic Figurative Drawing