John Michael B. Torres

I'm John Michael B. Torres and this is my 2 years of story in Saint Francis National Highschool

In Grade 10, I was new to this school called Saint Francis National Highschool. Everything was different the building, the teachers, the subjects, even the students. I felt a bit overwhelmed at first. I was shy and found it hard to make friends. I also struggled with some subjects, especially Math.


However, I was determined to make the most of  my high school experience. I started participating in class discussions and joined the school's English broadcasting. I also participate in group activities with my classmates. Slowly but surely, I started to feel more comfortable in my new environment.



By the end of Grade 10, I had grown a lot. I had learned to adapt to new situations, overcome challenges, and pursue my passions. I had also started to figure out my future path. I was excited about the next phase of my high school journey.

By the time Grade 11 rolled around, I've had became different person. I had a close-knit group of friends and was doing well in my classes. I had also discovered my purpose in my life and who am i, I also discovered that being at your worst makes you stronger.


Grade 11 also brought new challenges. I had to start thinking about my future - what subjects I wanted to focus on, what career I wanted to pursue. It was a bit daunting, but I was excited about the possibilities. I started exploring different fields and talking to my teachers and seniors about their experiences.


High school is a rollercoaster ride, isn't it? Full of ups and downs, twists and turns. But it's also a time of growth and discovery.