Communication Tools

While email remains a base for our administrative communication, it has several drawbacks.  SFM-PBA has found the GroupMe communication system to be an essential tool.

Members are encouraged to participate in GroupMe.  This is how we do most of our critical communicating.  There is a GroupMe option for nearly everyone.  The only requirement for using GroupMe is to have a phone that receives SMS text.  If you have a smart phone, flip phone, or even a virtual phone like GoogleVoice or Skype then you can use GroupMe.

Option #1, The App

Download the GroupMe app onto your phone and sign up for an account.  

Once you have a GroupMe account, here are the links to our three channels on GroupMe:

SFM-PBA Burns - announcements related to upcoming burns in our PBA (critical)

SFM-PBA Administrative Announcements - announcements related to meetings and other administrative matters (important)

Training and ExtraCurricular opportunites - announcements related to training opportunities provided by the MDC or other agencies, requests by neighboring PBAs, etc.  (very optional)

These three announcement channels are one-way, not interactive, to prevent notification bombing.  Burn announcements may include an invitation to join an interactive GroupMe channel.  The interactive channels work similar to group texts, where everyone can participate in the conversation.  

Option #2, Web Browser

You might also want to access GroupMe from your computer via your internet browser by visiting  

If you have the app on your phone at this point, then you can skip the rest of this message.  If you have any questions about GroupMe, please don't hesitate to reply to this email.   See you on GroupMe!


Option #3, Virtual Phone:

If you have a flip phone or a virtual phone such as GoogleVoice, Skype, or some other VOIP service - you can use a computer to sign up for an account at to have more features and control.  You will then be able to use GroupMe via your texting service and at through a web browser.

Option #4, Plain Text:

Even if you don't create an account or download the app, you can still be included in GroupMe conversations via text, as long as you have some kind of phone service that includes texting.  This option provides the least polished experience, but requires the least initial effort on your part.  

I hope to see you on GroupMe soon!

If you don't have a phone number that receives text, then GroupMe won't work for you.  Please let me know if this is your situation so we can communicate some other way.


Travis Toon

Secretary SFM-PBA

(573) 227-8268‬