What is the Difference between C13 and C15 Power Cords?

Navigating the vast sea of power cords can feel like deciphering hieroglyphics. Fear not, fellow tech sleuths! This blog post dives deep into the seemingly subtle differences between two common players: the C13 and C15 power cords. We'll equip you with the knowledge to confidently choose the perfect plug for your power needs.

Unmasking the IEC:

Before we plunge into the C13-C15 duel, let's understand their lineage. IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission, lays down the global standards for these cords. Think of them as the power cord whisperers, ensuring compatibility and safety across borders.

The Shape-Shifters:

C13 and C15 power cord, at first glance, appear like fraternal twins. But a closer look reveals the telltale signs of their individuality:

Strength and Stature:

These differences translate into distinct areas of application:

Advantages and disadvantages:

No cord is perfect, and understanding their quirks is key:



FAQ Roundup:

Not recommended. High heat can damage the cord and pose safety risks. Stick to C15 for such appliances.

Both are safe when used within their respective temperature limitations.

We stock them and can help you get the right one for your use. 

Beyond the Binary:

The C13 vs. C15 battle offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of power cord standards. Remember, your choice goes beyond aesthetics; it's about matching the cord's capabilities to your device's needs. Armed with this knowledge, you can navigate the power cord aisle with confidence, always choosing the plug that fits your power play perfectly.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you have any further questions or conundrums!

Read Original blog: https://www.sfcable.com/blog/what-difference-c13-c15-power-cords

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