Summit Schedule

Take a look at the Sexual Violence Awareness Summit Schedule

7:00 am - 8:00 am: Continental Breakfast

Enjoy a catered breakfast.

Hahn Room

8:00 am - 9:00 am: Meet & Greet、Opening Remarks

Meet and greet with fellow summit participants with fun group icebreaker session.

Wrestling Room

9:10 am - 10:00 am: Guest Speaker Jenna Kaufman

Navigating Trauma after Sexual Violence: How to Return to Safety- Jenna Kaufman will delve into the profound effects of trauma on both the mind and body, exploring common reactions and responses in the aftermath of such events. She'll impart practical methods for regulating the nervous system, empowering students to cope effectively with overwhelming emotions. Additionally, Jenna will offer guidance on reclaiming personal space and autonomy through a boundary practice. While navigating the journey to safety after a traumatic event may seem daunting, Jenna will emphasize the innate healing capabilities of the body and mind, supported by scientific insights and experiential exercises for a path forward.

Goel Mainstage Theater

10:20 am - 10:55 am: Guest Speaker Chanel Miller 

(Campus Wide Assembly)

A Conversation with Chanel Miller (Phillips Exeter Academy Assembly speaker)

Chanel Miller addresses how to reclaim agency and use storytelling as a tool for healing and progress. Through emphasizing the power of art, truth, and narrative control, she encourages audiences to find, harness, and uplift their voices.


Goel Mainstage Theater - Livestream

11:00 am - 11:20 am: Book Signing w/ Chanel Miller 

Summit participants welcome to enjoy a Q&A with Guest Speaker, Chanel Miller 

Goel Mainstage Theater -in person

11:30 am - 12:05 pm: Guest Speaker James Wilkerson

Every day, millions of men live with mental trauma due to toxic masculinity factors taught at a young age and sustained through life, and are unequipped to deal with it. Left unchecked, this trauma can manifest itself into crimes such as domestic violence, sexual misconduct, and murder. It is important that men understand how the masculinity identity can act as a barrier on the path to mental health, and apply healthy masculinity methods in order to (1) bypass these barriers, (2) break the toxic cycle for future generations of young boys, and (3) help their fellow men remove toxic stigmas in approaching their own trauma, thus creating a healthy male identity.

Goel Mainstage Theater

12:10 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch Break

Summit participants will enjoy a catered lunch provided by the Academy. No need to bring your own or leave campus!

Hahn Room

1:45 pm - 2:35 pm: Guest Speakers Shamus Khan and Kenyora Parham

Intersectionality in Focus: Unveiling the Impact of Sexual Violence on Campus

Join Kenyora Parham, Chief Executive Officer of End Rape On Campus and Shamus Khan, Professor at Princeton University for a thought provoking conversations where they explore the critical role of intersectionality in shaping the national discourse on and experiences of sexual violence within campus communities. Delve into the understanding that sexual violence is not just an individual issue, but a complex interconnection of public health and social equity. Learn how historically marginalized communities are frequently overlooked, stigmatized, and dehumanized in this discourse. Take home ways to take action on campus and be well-informed on decision-making practices, while also gaining insights on ways to foster a more inclusive and empathic approach to addressing this pervasive problem.

Things we will do in this session: 

Goel Mainstage Theater

2:50 pm - 3:40 pm: Breakout Sessions with Charol Shakeshaft & Chaperones, and student Harkness Discussions

Students participating in the Summit will have their own breakout session, including a Harkness discussion around lessons learned from the day's speakers and discuss what can be brought back to their campus.

Chaperone participates will have their own breakout session lead by Charol Shakeshaft. This will be a space for adults of the Summit to discuss their takeaways from the day's speakers and converse on what can be brought back to their campus.

Goel - Classroom 210

and Field House

3:50 pm - 4:40 pm: Closing Guest Speaker Mike Domitrz

Have you ever noticed that students know "Asking First" is the correct answer to receiving consent and yet most students still say that the majority of their peers "Go for it" instead of asking? How about the reality that students KNOW about bystander intervention and yet few intervene, especially at parties among their peers? What about students being more proactive with survivor support?

In this high energy, thought-provoking keynote with Mike Domitrz, Mike will close the summit, summarizing what was learned as well help students to discover specific skills for helping each person make safer and more respectful choices in moments involving sexual decision-making, including intervening for others. You will find out how to address and overcome the most common barriers to partners being given a choice AND for empowering each person to honor their own voice. Plus, you will be given specific language for proactively supporting survivors. 

Goel Mainstage Theater

4:50 pm - 5:20 pm: Grounding Yoga Session

Enjoy an optional yoga session that will focus on grounding before you leave the Summit. Yoga nidra, also referred to as “yogic sleep”, is a style of guided meditation that brings about a state of conscious relaxation.Practitioners will be comfortably lying down as the guide leads asystematic awareness practice focusing on the body and breath. Yoga nidra is known to generate a deep sense of relaxation and grounding. Jenna will conclude the summit with a 30-minute nidra to aid the students in emotional processing and fostering a grounded state.

Wrestling Room