For Facilities


Masks for Purchase

Is your facility interested in purchasing masks? Check out our "Masks for Sale" page!

Donated Masks

Our volunteers have been sewing since March and we have made over 13,000 masks! Now, our group is focusing on sewing masks for schools before closing down our volunteer mask-making effort.

After the initial urgent needs were met back in March, we were able to take a breath and our group started slowing down with production. Since then, the number of sewers participating in this volunteer mask-making effort has dwindled significantly, and now we have substantially more needs listed on our signup sheet than we can realistically meet.

Because of this, except for mask requests for schools, we are no longer accepting requests for donated masks. (Other possible exception: hospitals in urgent need.)

We are helping schools coordinate their need for donated masks, but each school must also promote their need to their community. We're happy to list the school need on our signup sheet and help coordinate and share information via our website, as well as welcoming new sewers into our Facebook Group.

If your facility is a school or a medical facility in urgent need, please email us directly at Please know that unfortunately, regardless of urgency, we cannot guarantee that your request for masks will be filled at this time.

Also, our sewers are volunteers, and each volunteer gets to choose where to donate the masks that they are making. This means that requests are not filled in order, and some requests may not be filled at all.

If your facility has the resources available to do so, please purchase masks.

If your facility is requesting donated masks, please help us help you by putting the call out to your community to sew masks for your facility. Here is a flyer that you can use. Please feel free to refer sewers interested in helping out to our website here or if you are a school, then use this link here. Also, have people sign up to sew masks by using this link here: .

(Especially if your school is based outside of the immediate Brattleboro, VT area, you will need to recruit sewers in your area to help fulfill your request.)

If you do decide to place a request for masks, you are encouraged to check on your posting on periodically to see if anyone has signed up to sew masks for your facility. If not many sewers have signed up, please be proactive in putting the call out to your community to help out with this need, or consider purchasing masks if possible.

Can your facility make a monetary donation to support this volunteer effort and help us buy the necessary materials to make masks? We'd really appreciate it!

(Please let us know if your facility is able to donate money or materials to assist in filling your needs request at:

Did you submit a request for donated masks already and you're wondering if anyone is working on sewing masks for your facility yet?

Click the button below and check it out! You can see if anyone has signed up to sew some masks for your facility.