masks Needed for schools


Masks are needed for schools in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Putney & Vernon

  • Cloth masks will be needed for students, teachers, school staff and bus drivers for the reopening of school in late August.

  • Hundreds of masks are needed in all sizes, from kindergarten through adult.

  • Can you sew masks for this need?

  • Can you donate tightly woven 100% cotton quilting fabric or ⅛-¼ in. woven elastic?

  • Can you make a monetary donation to help purchase needed materials?

Sew Masks

The Sewing Masks Project in So VT/SW NH Area would like to invite you to join us! We've made over 11,000 masks so far, and counting! We can offer you resources such as kits, fabric and elastic, help you answer any questions you may have about sewing masks, and offer moral support and camaraderie along the way. To join ourSewing Masks - So VT/SW NH Area” Facebook Group, click here!

Please be sure to sign up to sew for a school on our signup sheet here: so that we can keep track of how many masks have been donated to each school so far, and which sizes of mask are still needed.

For Dropoff info and Mask Patterns for Kids, check out our website here:

Also, see the signup sheet for more info specific to each school.

For info on appropriate materials to make masks out of, locations of Supply depots where materials such as kits, fabric, elastic and more are located, and more, check out our website.

Donate Fabric & Elastic

We are graciously accepting donations of tightly woven 100% cotton quilting fabric, 1/4 or 1/8 inch woven elastic at Supply Depots. To learn where to pick up a kit or donate materials, find a Supply Depot near you:

Donate Money

Not available to sew but you'd like to help out? Make a donation here: for as little as the price of a cup of coffee! Any amount is greatly appreciated!

Email with questions.

Please share this flyer widely. Thanks!

(You may copy/paste this entire flyer and post it to share.)

Keep in mind, please:

  • Child sized masks should have elastic loops, no ties (choking hazard).

  • All masks should be made of 2 layers of tightly woven 100% cotton quilting fabric.

  • Patterns for Kids:

Before starting this project, please ask yourself the following questions:

Have you been in contact with anyone suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days? Do you have fever, cough or shortness of breath? If you are able to answer "NO" to both questions, then proceed with making masks. If you answer "YES" to either or both questions, please do not make masks. If you are experiencing cough, fever, or shortness of breath and have a concern that you may have COVID-19 please call your primary care provider for a risk assessment. Click here to learn more:

For more info about sewing masks for schools, click here: