Whetstone Brook Invasive Plant Mapping Project

updatediNaturalist and Whetstone Project How To.docx

Community Science in the Whetstone Brook

The Southeast Vermont Cooperative Invasive Species Management Association (SEVT CISMA) is mapping terrestrial invasive plants growing within the Whetstone Brook watershed as part of our Protecting Whetstone Brook Riparian Zones: Mapping, Planning, and Outreach Project. We will be working with residents within the Whetstone Brook watershed to record and map invasive plants using iNaturalist

iNaturalist Mapping Project 


Participating residents will be provided with relevant invasive plant management resources. The project also involves demonstration workshops and the creation of an invasive plant management plan for the Whetstone Brook watershed. The project is funded by the Vermont Watershed Grant program.  

The Southeast VT CISMA recommends a multi-year mechanical and chemical invasive management strategy, focused along Route 9 and in downtown Brattleboro to target oriental bittersweet, buckthorn, and knotweed invasive plants. This management strategy should also include Early Detection and Rapid Response for invasives that are new to our area including Japanese stiltgrass. View the management report here.

We are recruiting interested members of the public to be a part of this project! All you need to be involved is:

-a smartphone with a camera

-an iNaturalist account (Free) 

The below document includes directions on how to use iNaturalist to record the invasive species you see.