Seulchan Lee

Assistant Professor

Division of Media, Culture, Design Technology

Department of Human Computer Interaction

@ Hanyang University ERICA


Hello, I am an Assistant Professor in the Division of Media, Culture and Design Technology & Department of Human-Computer Interaction at Hanyang University ERICA. My research goal is to explore what user's needs and requirements, evaluate system artifacts, and make systems and devices better based on the theories and methodologies of HUMAN FACTORS and HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION.  I received my B.S. and Ph. D. in Information and Industrial Engineering at Yonsei University under the supervision of Dr. Yong Gu Ji. Before joining the current position, I worked with Dr. Myounghoon Jeon (Philart) as a postdoctoral associate in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech. I also worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Gyeongsang National University.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on my research and are interested in collaborating with me.

Research Profiles

[Google Scholar] [Research Gate] [Linkedin] [ORCID] [SCOPUS]

Working Experience

2024.03 ~ : Assistant Professor, Division of Media, Culture and Design Technology & Department of Human Computer Interaction, Hanyang University ERICA

2020.03 ~ 2024.02: Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Gyeongsang National University

2019.03 ~ 2020.02: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech

2018.09 ~ 2019.02: Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University

2018.09 ~ 2019.02: Instructor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University

2013.03 ~ 2018.08: Research Assistant, Human Factors & Interaction Design Lab, Yonsei University


Ph.D. in Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea (2013.03 - 2018.08)

B.S. in Information and Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea (2009.03 - 2013.02)

Research Interests

Teaching Experience

@ Hanyang University



@ Gyeongsang National University



Academic Service


International Journal of Automotive Technology (Sep 24 ~ )

Special Issue "HCI for Future Mobility" in International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 

Applied Ergonomics

Behaviour & Information Technology


Ergonomics in Design

European Transport Research Review

Frontiers in Robotics and AI

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making

IEEE Access

IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Technology in Society

Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 

Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour

Universal Access in the Information Society


ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) (2020, 2022)

ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI) (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

CHI Play (2019)

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (2019, 2022)

Mobile HCI (2019, 2020)

Organizing Committee, Ergonomics Society of Korea (2021~)

Technical Program Chair, ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI) (2022)

Program Associate Chair, ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI) (2022)

Session Co-chair, ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI) (2020)

Social media Co-chair, ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI) (2019)

ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI) (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

Academic Societal Activities