Sets & Partitions:

NeurIPS 2019 Workshop

Where & When

Full day workshop at NeurIPS 2019

Date: Saturday Dec 14, 2019

Location: Vancouver Convention Centre

Room: West Level 2, #215-216


Videos available here: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]

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Authors please see this page for information about camera ready papers, posters, presentations

Invited Speakers


8:45am - 9:00am: Opening remarks

9:00am-9:45am: Invited Talk - Stefanie Jegelka - Set Representations in Graph Neural Networks and Reasoning

9:45am-10:30am: Coffee Break + Poster Session 1

10:30am-11:15am: Invited Talk - Siamak Ravanbakhsh - Equivariant Multilayer Perceptrons

11:15am-11:30am: Contributed Talk - Towards deep amortized clustering. Juho Lee, Yoonho Lee, Yee Whye Teh

11:30am - 11:45 pm: Contributed Talk - Fair Hierarchical Clustering. Sara Ahmadian, Alessandro Epasto, Marina L Knittel, Ravi Kumar, Mohammad Mahdian, Philip Pham

11:45am-12:30pm: Invited Talk -Abhishek Khetan - Molecular geometries as point clouds: Learning physico-chemical properties using DeepSets

12:30pm-2pm: Lunch

2:00pm - 2:15pm: Contributed Talk - Limitations of Deep Learning on Point Clouds. Christian Bueno, Alan G. Hylton.

2:15pm - 2:30pm: Contributed Talk - Chirality Nets: Exploiting Structure in Human Pose Regression. Raymond Yeh, Yuan-Ting Hu, Alex Schwing

2:30pm-3:15pm: Invited Talk - Eunsu Kang - Sets for Arts

3:15pm-4:15pm: Coffee + Poster Session 2

4:15pm-5:00pm: Invited Talk -Alexander J. Smola - Sets and symmetries

5:00pm-5:40pm: Panel Discussion

5:40pm-5:45pm: Brief closing remarks