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Created card elements through a PDF found online. Snipped and cropped each card from the PDF and added to Android Studio.

Created basic xml layout for the main menu and single player mode. App currently displays menu and has button functionality that will take you to single player layout. Edited xml to be a relative layout, and compensate for the maximum of 21 cards.

Created card class which has parameters for texture, color, shape and count. Populated an array with all cards and will shuffle them randomly at the beginning of each game.


Instantiated 21 card layout for Single Player mode. Designed Card, Deck classes to implement game logic.


Reformatted Card & Deck classes to be compatible with ImageView. Got everything to compile and on startup of SinglePlayer 21 randomized cards from the deck of 81 cards are displayed.


Created a rules page activity that describes the rules of the game SET.


Game logic is implemented and now after selecting 3 different cards the app will check if they are a SET. Implemented logic that will check the first 12 cards dealt to see if a SET is possible; if not then 3 more cards are dealt and so on. This "check" will happen each time new cards are dealt so each time a SET is found. There can be a maximum of 21 cards on the screen; at 21 cards the probability of there being a SET is 1.

Game now ends when deck is empty and there are no more possible SETs and brings the player back to the MainActivity.

Game counts the number of SETs made.

Game now has a timer.