SET! is a pattern-based card game

The Game

In a deck of 81 SET! cards, each card has 4 traits: Fill, Color, Number, and Shape. The goal of SET! is to claim the most valid SETs possible. A valid set is three cards where, for each of the 4 traits, all three cards are either the same or different. On the image to the left, a valid SET would be the single empty red oval, two empty red ovals, and three empty red ovals. They share shape, fill, and color, and differ in number. SET! starts with 12 cards. A player must indicate they've found a SET before claiming it within a short amount of time. If their SET is invalid, or time runs out, they are deducted 1 point. If the SET is valid, they gain 1 point. If all players agree that there is no SET within the 12 cards, they may deal 3 more cards.

Our App

Our Android app will implement SET! with a primary focus on the user interface. SET!'s official iOS app clunky with outdated graphic design. We aim to implement both single and multiplayer modes. For multiplayer, we will use Google's Turn-Based Multiplayer API, as well as Wi-Fi direct for communication between two devices. Stretch goals include high score and leaderboard for single-player, and multiplayer gameplay for more than 2 players.