Upcoming  courses

Introduction to Climate Modelling

Contact Person: Gunilla Svensson [gunilla@misu.su.se]

Dates: 10-14 June 2024 [Prep.phase: 20 May to 9 June Project: 18 June - 15 Aug.]

Course page: Link

Previous  courses

Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists course 

Contact Person: Stefano Markidis, KTH [stefano.markidis@kth.se]

Dates: 4-15 December 2023

Course page: https://sites.google.com/view/qc-for-cs/home

Registration info. : https://forms.gle/5wRvAqaYrmXJVDbQA

Management of Scientific Data at Scale

Contact Person: Dirk Pleiter, KTH, [pleiter@kth.se]

Dates: 08-13 January 2024

More info: https://sites.google.com/view/msdas-2024/home

Molecular Dynamics

Contact Person: Berk Hess, KTH [hess@kth.se]

PDC summer school

Contact Person: Dirk Pleiter, KTH, [pleiter@kth.se]

Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists

Contact Person: Stefano Markidis, KTH Email: markidis@kth.se

Dates: August (P1 as per KTH academic Calendar)

Data handling, DoE and Statistical Analysis

Contact Person: Peter Broqvist [peter.broqvist@kemi.uu.se]

      Dates: 12-26 June 2023

Molecular Response Theory Summer School

Contact Person: Patrick Norman, KTH [panor@kth.se]

Dates: 12-16 June 2023

More info: https://sites.google.com/view/mrpws-2019/startsida

Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Applications

Contact:  For general inquiries:  info@pinns.se.  || For registered participants:  2023@pinns.se

Dates: 19-30 June 2023

More info: https://pinns.se/pinn-summer-school-at-kth

Topological Data Analysis in Visualization: Theory, Applications, Software  

Contact:  For general inquiries:  ingrid.hotz@liu.se || For registered participants:  ingrid.hotz@liu.se

Dates: 21-25 August 2023

More info: https://scivis.github.io/events/TDASummerSchool2023/

Finite-temperature and anharmonic response properties of solids in theory and practice

Contact Person: Florian Knoop, Linkoping University [florian.knoop@liu.se]