
Bullying has always been prevalent in society, it can have lasting effects onto any one. Dealing with them will always be a struggle, the articles and resources below are directed for just that.

There is no easy solution to deal with bullying or cyber bullying, they are often relentless so you have to be relentless to get away from them. Most importantly you can never blame yourself for being a victim, you never choose to be treated this way and you should never tolerate it. The bully is the problem, not you. This is a difficult concept to understand, but the bully is an unhappy and frustrated person who is try to make you feel like they are, don't give them that satisfaction. Try to manage your stress over the situation, some ways to do so are meditating, try out yoga, exercise, and try to spend time with those who love you.

Finding Support from those who are positive in your life is very important, they don't have to be your friends even, coaches, teachers, your parents, councilor, or religious figure. Try telling them your feelings about the circumstances, these people are in your life for a reason and will listen. While these tactics work for cyber bullying too, there are a lot more methods to dealing with bullies online. Don't respond to the messages, by you reacting back you are giving the bully satisfaction. Seeking revenge like this, you are becoming a bully also; if you wouldn't say it in person, then don't post it online. When things are posted online, they can be deleted by the aggressor, therefore always save the messages so you can report it. Typically on social media there is an option to report a post, try doing this and block them online.

At the end of the day, try to remind yourself you deserve to be treated with respect.

This video does a fantastic job at showing that you are never alone and that you are not to blame for what is happening to you. It shows a four step plan to prevent you from being bullied. The steps include reminding yourself that this is not your fault, try to surround yourself with people that care about you, try to ignore the bully (this will get them to move on), and finally, talk to someone you trust, you are never alone.

ReferencesAcox, Misa. “April Is Stress Awareness Month.” FiftyForward, 3 May 2019, fiftyforward.org/health/april-is-stress-awareness-month/.Robinson, Lawrence, and Jeanne Segal. “Bullying and Cyberbullying.” HelpGuide.org, 14 Feb. 2020, www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/bullying-and-cyberbullying.htm.