Texas Hail Storms: A Review of the Most Severe Events by a Damage Restoration Company

When hailstorms hit Texas, they can leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Hail damage can be particularly devastating for homeowners, as it can cause significant damage to roofs, windows, and other parts of the house. As a leading water damage restoration and repair company in Texas, SERVPRO of Carrollton has seen its fair share of severe hail events over the years. In this article, we'll review some of the most severe hail events in Texas and discuss what homeowners can do to protect their properties. 

On May 12, 1995, a massive hailstorm hit Del Rio and Eagle Pass, causing over $700 million in damages. The storm lasted for more than an hour and dropped hailstones the size of baseballs, damaging homes, businesses, and vehicles. In some areas, the hail was so dense that it accumulated like snowdrifts, making roads impassable. This hailstorm is still considered one of the costliest in Texas history.

On April 12, 2001, a hailstorm swept through Fort Worth, causing extensive damage to homes and vehicles. The hailstones were up to the size of golf balls and broke windows and skylights, tore holes in roofs, and dented vehicles. The storm caused an estimated $300 million in damages and left thousands of homeowners scrambling to find water damage restoration and hail damage repair services.

On May 12, 2005, a massive hailstorm hit Lubbock, causing extensive damage to homes and businesses. The hailstones were the size of softballs and caused damage to roofs, windows, and cars. The storm caused an estimated $500 million in damages and left many homeowners without power and water for days.

On April 3, 2012, a hailstorm swept through the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, causing extensive damage to homes and businesses. The hailstones were up to the size of tennis balls and caused damage to roofs, windows, and cars. The storm caused an estimated $2 billion in damages and left many homeowners without power and water for days.

On March 24, 2019, a severe hailstorm swept through San Antonio, causing extensive damage to homes, businesses, and vehicles. The hailstones were up to the size of baseballs and caused significant damage to roofs, windows, and cars. The storm caused an estimated $1.4 billion in damages and left many homeowners without power and water for days.

Protecting Your Home from Hail Damage

While you can't prevent a hailstorm from occurring, there are steps you can take to minimize the damage to your home. Here are some tips:

It's also essential to act quickly when dealing with hail damage. Delaying repairs can lead to further damage, such as mold growth, which can be costly and time-consuming to remediate. Additionally, many insurance policies have specific timeframes for filing claims and completing repairs, so be sure to contact your insurance company promptly.

In conclusion, severe hailstorms can cause significant damage to homes and other structures, and it's essential to take the necessary precautions to protect your property. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can minimize the risk of hail damage and be better prepared to deal with it if it occurs. If you do experience flood damage, don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Carrollton for professional flood restoration services. Our team is available 24/7 to provide emergency response and get your property back to pre-damage condition as quickly as possible.