Boarding Dogs and Other Pets During the Water Damage Restoration Process

Water damage can be a devastating experience for homeowners, and it can be especially difficult for those who have pets. In many cases, pets may need to be temporarily boarded during the water damage restoration process to ensure their safety and well-being. SERVPRO® of Carrollton understands the importance of pets to their owners and in this article, we will discuss some tips for boarding dogs and other pets during the water damage restoration process.

Safety First

The safety of your pets should be your top priority during the water damage mitigation process. Water damage can create hazardous conditions, such as electrical hazards, slippery floors, and mold growth, which can pose a danger to pets. In addition, the restoration process can involve loud noises, unfamiliar people, and disruptions to the home environment, which can be stressful for pets. To ensure your pets' safety, it may be necessary to board them during the restoration process.

Choose a Reliable Boarding Facility

When choosing a boarding facility for your pets, it is important to do your research and choose a reliable and reputable facility. Look for a facility that is licensed and insured, has good reviews, and has experience caring for pets in emergency situations. You may also want to visit the facility in person to ensure that it is clean, safe, and comfortable for your pets.

Prepare Your Pets for Boarding

Before boarding your pets, it is important to prepare them for the experience. This may include getting them up-to-date on their vaccinations, ensuring that they are microchipped and have identification tags, and packing their favorite toys and comfort items. It may also be helpful to introduce your pets to the boarding facility in advance, so they can become familiar with the environment and the staff.

Communicate with the Boarding Facility

When boarding your pets during the water damage restoration process, it is important to communicate with the boarding facility. Let them know about any special needs or requirements that your pets may have, such as dietary restrictions or medical conditions. It is also important to provide the boarding facility with your contact information and the contact information for your restoration professional, such as SERVPRO® of Carrollton, in case of an emergency.

Check on Your Pets Regularly

While your pets are being boarded during the water damage restoration process, it is important to check on them regularly to ensure that they are safe and well-cared for. You may want to ask the boarding facility to provide updates or send pictures of your pets to ease your mind. It is also important to communicate with your restoration professional to ensure that the restoration process is progressing as planned.

Returning Home with Your Pets

Once the water damage repair process is complete and it is safe to return home, it is important to reintroduce your pets to the home environment slowly. This may include allowing them to explore the home gradually, providing them with familiar toys and comfort items, and reintroducing them to their normal routines gradually. It is also important to watch for any signs of stress or anxiety in your pets and to provide them with extra love and attention during this transition period.

Water damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for homeowners and their pets. By following these tips for boarding dogs and other pets during the water damage restoration process, you can help ensure that your pets are safe and well-cared for, and that your home is restored to its pre-damage condition as quickly and efficiently as possible with the help of restoration professionals like SERVPRO® of Carrollton.