Below is a summary of projects I wish to work on with interested graduate students in the near term. Masters students at SFSU will typically work on their theses for about 1.5 years on a portion of any of these projects. PhD students, working 3+ years, will bite a much bigger chunk. If you are an interested graduate student contact me in person or via email

Likelihood Geometry studies an optimization problem in statistics (maximum likelihood estimation) using tools from convex, combinatorial, and computational algebraic geometry. The maximum likelihood degree of a variety is the number of complex critical points of the likelihood function. You can find out about the fundamentals in here, here, here, and here

A spectrahedron is the intersection of the convex cone of m x m symmetric positive semidefinite (psd) matrices with an affine linear space in the vector space of all m x m symmetric matrices. Spectrahedra are generalizations of convex polyhedra (=intersection of the cone of nonnegative vectors in R^m with an affine linear space). They are feasible sets of optimization problems called semidefinite programs (SDPs). For a good introduction to spectrahedra and SDPs check out chapter 2 in this book