Hyperspectral images for spatial distribution of local illumination, 2015

Hyperspectral images spatial distribution of local illumination in natural scenes, 2015

This set of hyperspectral radiance images has been taken from a study by of scenes Nascimento, Amano & Foster (2016) Spatial distributions of local illumination color in natural scenes, Vision Research. The set consists of 30 hyperspectral radiance images of natural scenes with embedded small neutral probe spheres. The 30 natural scenes are from the Minho region of Portugal and were acquired during late spring and summer of 2002 and 2003. The sky in most of the scenes was clear but in five it was overcast with cloud. Each acquisition lasted a few minutes and took place within the period 11:00–18:00. There are 17 images of rural scenes, containing mainly trees, flowers and other vegetation, and 13 of urban scenes containing some type of man-made construction.

Each hyperspectral radiance image along with a full-size rendered RGB image and an information document can be downloaded as a zipped file by clicking on the "HSI" link beneath each thumbnail. The information document can be viewed separately as a PDF file by clicking on the adjacent "Information" link.

These data are for personal use only. If you use the hyperspectral radiance images or the colour images rendered from them in any published work, please cite the source publication: Nascimento, Amano & Foster (2016) Spatial distributions of local illumination color in natural scenes, Vision Research.

Each HSI file contains a hyperspectral radiance image file in Matlab MAT-file format. Each hyperspectral image has dimensions 1024 × 1344 × 33 and represents a set of 33 greyscale images of size 1344 (H) × 1024 (V) pixels sampled at wavelengths 400, 410, ..., 720 nm, with each pixel value representing spectral radiance in W m−2 sr−1 nm−1. Each zipped HSI file also contains an unedited BMP colour image file, rendered from the hyperspectral radiance image.