selected publications

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Nascimento SMC, Foster DH. (2023) Misidentifying illuminant changes in natural scenes due to failures in relational colour constancy. Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20231676.

Foster, D. H., & Nascimento, S. M. C. (2023). Little information loss with red-green color deficient vision in natural environments. IScience, 26(8).


Marques, D. N., Gomes, A. E., Linhares, J. M. M., & Nascimento, S. M. C. (2023). Discrimination of natural colors in anomalous trichromacy and the effects of EnChroma and Vino filters. Optics Express, 31(11), 18075.


Nascimento, S.M.C.,  Foster, D.H. (2022). Information gains from commercial spectral filters in anomalous trichromacy. Optics Express, 30, 10,  16883-16895.

Shigeki Nakauchi, Taisei Kondo, Yuya Kinzuka, Yuma Taniyama, Hideki Tamura, Hiroshi Higashi, Kyoko Hine, Tetsuto Minami, João M. M. Linhares, Sérgio M. C. Nascimento (2022), Universality and superiority in preference for chromatic composition of art paintings. Scientific Reports 12, 4294.

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Nascimento, S.M.C., Albers, A.M., Gegenfurtner, K.R., (2021), Naturalness and aesthetics of colors – Preference for color compositions perceived as natural, Vision Research, 185, pp. 98-110.

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Albers, A.M., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Nascimento, S.M.C., (2020), An independent contribution of colour to the aesthetic preference for paintings, Vision Research, 177, pp. 109-117.

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Linhares, J.M.M., Monteiro, J.A.R., Bailão, A., Cardeira, L., Kondo, T.,  Nakauchi, S.,  Picollo, M.,  Cucci, C., Casini, A., Stefani, L.,  Nascimento, S.M.C. (2020), How Good Are RGB Cameras Retrieving Colors of Natural Scenes and Paintings?—A Study Based on Hyperspectral Imaging, Sensors 20, 6242. 

Teixeira, M, Nascimento, S, Almeida, V, .Amaral, C, Castelo-Branco, M (2020), The conscious experience of color constancy and neural responses to subliminal deviations – A behavioral and EEG/ERP oddball study, Consciousness and Cognition, 84, 102987.

Feitosa-Santana C, Gaddi CM, Gomes AE & Nascimento SMC (2020), Art through the Colors of Graffiti: From the Perspective of the Chromatic Structure, Sensors, 20, 2531. 

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Nascimento SMC, Herdeiro CFM, Gomes AE. Linhares JMM, Kondo T & Nakauchi S (2020), The Best CCT for Appreciation of Paintings under Daylight Illuminants is Different for Occidental and Oriental Viewers, LEUKOS, 1–9. 

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Gomes AE, Linhares JMM & Nascimento SMC (2020), Near perfect visual compensation for atmospheric color distortions, Color Research and Application.

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Morimoto T, Kishigami S, Linhares JMM,  Nascimento SMC, & Smithson HE (2019), Hyperspectral environmental illumination maps: Characterizing directional spectral variation in natural environments, Optics Express, 27, 22, 32277-32293.

Pastilha RC, Linhares JMM, Gomes AE, Santos JLA, de Almeida, VMN, & Nascimento SMC (2019), The colors of natural scenes benefit dichromats, Vision Research, 158, 40-48.

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Nascimento SMC, Pastilha RC, & Brenner E (2019), Neighboring chromaticity influences how white a surface looks, Vision Research, 165, 31-35. 

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Nascimento SMC., Linhares JMM, Montagner C, João CAR, Amano K, Alfaro C, & Bailão A (2017), The colors of paintings and viewers’ preferences, Vision Research, 130, 76-84. 

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Álvaro L, Linhares JMM & Moreira H, Lillo J & Nascimento SMC, (2017), Robust colour constancy in red-green dichromats. PLoS One, 12(6). 

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Nascimento SMC, Amano K, & Foster DH (2016), Spatial distributions of local illumination color in natural scenes, Vision Research, 120, 39-44. 

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Montagner C, Linhares JMM, Vilarigues M, & Nascimento SMC (2016), The statistics of colors in paintings and natural scenes. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33(3), (3):A178-A183. 

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Foster DH, Amano K, & Nascimento SMC (2016), Time-lapse ratios of cone excitations in natural scenes, Vision Research, 120, 45-60. 

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Teixeira M, Pires G, Raimundo M, Nascimento SMC,  Almeida VN &Castelo-Branco M (2014), Robust Single Trial Identification of Conscious Percepts Triggered by Sensory Events of Variable Saliency, PLoS One, 9, 1. 

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Baptista A & Nascimento SMC (2014), Changes in spatial extent and peak double optical density of human macular pigment with age, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(4), 87-92. 

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Nascimento SMC & Masuda O (2014), Best lighting for visual appreciation of artistic paintings—experiments with real paintings and real illumination, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(4), 214-219. 

Masuda O & Nascimento SMC (2013), Best lighting for naturalness and preference, Journal of Vision, 13(7):4, 1–14.

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Luzón-González R, Nascimento SMC, Masuda O & Romero J (2013), Chromatic losses in natural scenes with viewing distance, Color Research & Application, 39(4),  341-346.

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Masuda O & Nascimento SMC (2012), Lighting spectrum to maximize colorfulness, Optics Letters, 37, 407-409. 

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Medina JM, Pereira LM, Correia HT& Nascimento SMC (2011), Hyperspectral optical imaging of human iris in vivo: characteristics of reflectance spectra, Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(7), 076001.

Perales E, Martínez-Verdu FM, Linhares JMM, Nascimento SMC (2010), Number of descernible colors for color-deficient observers estimated from the MacAdam limits. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 27, 10, 2107- 2114. 

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de Almeida VMN, Fiadeiro PT, Nascimento SMC (2010), Effect of scene dimensionality on colour constancy with real three-dimensional scenes and objects, Perception, 39(6) 770 – 779.

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Linhares JMM, Pinto PD, Nascimento SMC (2008), The number of discernible colors in natural scenes. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 25, 2918-2924.

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Pinto PD, Linhares JMM, Nascimento, SM.C (2008), Correlated color temperature preferred by observers for illumination of artistic paintings, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23, 2359-2372 .

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Foster DH, Amano K, Nascimento SMC, & Foster, MJ (2006), Frequency of metamerism in natural scenes, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23 (10), 2359-2372. 

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Aldaba MA, Linhares JMM, Pinto PD, Nascimento SMC, Amano K, & Foster DH (2006), Visual sensitivity to color errors in images of natural scenes, Visual Neuroscience, 23 (3-4), 555-559. 

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Nascimento SMC, Foster DH, Amano K, (2005), Psychophysical estimates of the number of spectral-reflectance basis functions needed to reproduce natural scenes, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22 (6): 1017-1022.

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Nascimento SMC, Ferreira F & Foster DH (2002), Statistics of spatial cone-excitation ratios in natural scenes, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 19, 1484-1490.

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Foster D.H, Nascimento SMC, ArendL, Linnell KJ, Nieves JL, Plet S & Foster JS (2001),  Parallel detection of violations of color constancy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98, 8151-8156.

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Nascimento SMC and Foster DH (1997), Detecting natural changes of cone-excitation ratios in simple and complex coloured images, Proceedings of Royal Society of London B, 264, 1395-1402.

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 Foster DH & Nascimento SMC (1994), Relational colour constancy from invariant cone-excitation ratios, Proceedings of Royal Society of London B, 257, 115-121.

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