Starting with Redis version 2.8.4, Sentinel provides an API in order to add, remove, or change the configuration of a given master. Note that if you have multiple sentinels you should apply the changes to all to your instances for Redis Sentinel to work properly. This means that changing the configuration of a single Sentinel does not automatically propagate the changes to the other Sentinels in the network.

The ODOWN condition only applies to masters. For other kind of instancesSentinel doesn't require to act, so the ODOWN state is never reached for replicasand other sentinels, but only SDOWN is.

Sentinel Hub

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Moreover Sentinels have a rule: if a Sentinel voted another Sentinel for the failover of a given master, it will wait some time to try to failover the same master again. This delay is the 2 * failover-timeout you can configure in sentinel.conf. This means that Sentinels will not try to failover the same master at the same time, the first to ask to be authorized will try, if it fails another will try after some time, and so forth.

Sentinel state is persisted in the sentinel configuration file. For exampleevery time a new configuration is received, or created (leader Sentinels), fora master, the configuration is persisted on disk together with the configurationepoch. This means that it is safe to stop and restart Sentinel processes.

Laurent, what is your issue here? Not the results you expect? Without checking the literature:

Does (B11 / B12) + (B8 / B12) + (B8 / B3) refer to the band naming/order in the Sentinel doc? Or is it (which would be crutial!)the band order in the dataset when in ArcGIS?

Please keep in mind that there is a Band 8A in sentinel - and counting this is band 9 - so all following are one number up!

So as a simple example: If you would need a formula like "NarrowNIR" / "Cirrus" in the sense of Sentinel doc this would be "8A" / "10" , but in the sense of band order in ArcGIS this would be "B9" / "B11" !!

If that "error" happend on your formula above, the real formula most likely should be (B12 / B13) + (B8 / B13) + (B8 / B3) 



a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack: Lincoln refused to make his home mansion a garrison during the Civil War, but plain-clothes sentinels did patrol the property

Medicine/Medical. relating to or being an indication of a disease's presence or prevalence: Pregnant women attending prenatal appointments serve as a sentinel population for the prevalence of malaria in the region.The sentinel lymph nodes are the first lymph nodes that the cancer cells reach if they spread.

Background:  Axillary lymph-node dissection is an important staging procedure in the surgical treatment of breast cancer. However, early diagnosis has led to increasing numbers of dissections in which axillary nodes are free of disease. This raises questions about the need for the procedure. We carried out a study to assess, first, whether a single axillary lymph node (sentinel node) initially receives malignant cells from a breast carcinoma and, second, whether a clear sentinel node reliably forecasts a disease-free axilla.

Methods:  In a consecutive series of 163 women with operable breast carcinoma, we injected microcolloidal particles of human serum albumin labelled with technetium-99m. This tracer was injected subdermally, close to the tumour site, on the day before surgery, and scintigraphic images of the axilla and breast were taken 10 min, 30 min, and 3 h later. A mark was placed on the skin over the site of the radioactive node (sentinel node). During breast surgery, a hand-held gamma-ray detector probe was used to locate the sentinel node, and make possible its separate removal via a small axillary incision. Complete axillary lymphadenectomy was then done. The sentinel node was tagged separately from other nodes. Permanent sections of all removed nodes were prepared for pathological examination.

Findings:  From the sentinel node, we could accurately predict axillary lymph-node status in 156 (97.5%) of the 160 patients in whom a sentinel node was identified, and in all cases (45 patients) with tumours less than 1.5 cm in diameter. In 32 (38%) of the 85 cases with metastatic axillary nodes, the only positive node was the sentinel node.

Interpretation:  In the large majority of patients with breast cancer, lymphoscintigraphy and gamma-probe-guided surgery can be used to locate the sentinel node in the axilla, and thereby provide important information about the status of axillary nodes. Patients without clinical involvement of the axilla should undergo sentinel-node biopsy routinely, and may be spared complete axillary dissection when the sentinel node is disease-free.

A 1 star Ahri with some sort of chosen sentinel frontline is stable enough for you to start econ back up. If the lobby is highrolling and dumpstering you, it might be worth to roll all the way down for an Ahri 2 if you hit and bought a Sentinel Headliner

MULTI-TALENTED - this makes your level 8 rolldown more interesting - as in you wont necessarily be playing around the second headliner effect - but it does open your options to hit that the mordes/ekkos/blitz easier in the event that you see a disco/pentakill/TD headliner before the sentinel one. 2351a5e196

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