Hi, I am not aware of a map as such. However you can determine the relative orbit of planned acquisitions such as shown in the image below. The Google Earth planning files can be found at -1/observation-scenario/acquisition-segments. Clicking on a given acquisition will give the details window including the relative orbit.

A relative orbit is from ascending node, through descending node back to ascending node, it includes both ascending and descending parts of an orbit. So there is no distinction required for orbit pass type.

Sentinel 1 Orbit File Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urluso.com/2y3HR7 🔥

The SENTINEL-2 mission orbit is sun-synchronous. Sun-synchronous orbits are used to ensure the angle of sunlight upon the Earth's surface is consistently maintained. Apart from small seasonal variations, anchoring of the satellites orbit to the angle of the sun minimises the potential impact of shadows and levels of illumination on the ground. This ensures consistency over time and is critical in assessing time-series data.

SENTINEL-2A and SENTINEL-2B occupy the same orbit separated by 180 degrees.The mean orbital altitude is 786 km. The orbit inclination is 98.62 and the Mean Local Solar Time (MLST) at the descending node is 10:30 (am). This value of MLST was chosen as a compromise between a suitable level of solar illumination and the minimisation of potential cloud cover. The MLST value is close to the local overpass time of Landsat and almost identical to that of SPOT-5, permitting the integration of SENTINEL-2 data with existing and historical missions, and contributing to long-term time series data collection.

Sentinel-1 is in a near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit with a 12 day repeat cycle and 175 orbits per cycle for a single satellite. Both Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B share the same orbit plane with a 180 orbital phasing difference. With both satellites operating, the repeat cycle is six days.

In particular for interferometry, Sentinel-1 requires stringent orbit control. Satellite positioning along the orbit must be accurate, with pointing and timing/synchronisation between interferometric pairs. Orbit positioning control for Sentinel-1 is defined using an orbital Earth fixed "tube", 50 m (RMS) wide in radius, around a nominal operational path. The satellite is kept inside this "tube" for most of its operational lifetime.

The Copernicus SENTINEL-2 mission comprises a constellation of two polar-orbiting satellites placed in the same sun-synchronous orbit, phased at 180 to each other. It aims at monitoring variability in land surface conditions, and its wide swath width (290 km) and high revisit time (10 days at the equator with one satellite, and 5 days with 2 satellites under cloud-free conditions which results in 2-3 days at mid-latitudes) will support monitoring of Earth's surface changes.

This SENTINEL-2 Mission Guide provides a high-level description of the mission objectives, satellite description and ground segment. It also addresses the related heritage missions, thematic areas and Copernicus services, orbit characteristics and coverage, instrument payload, and data products.

Satellite Description

Describes the satellite platform and the communication links, the main instrument of the SENTINEL-2 mission, the MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI), as well as the orbit characteristics of the mission.

The sentinel has to be specifically in a lower orbit of the planet you want to scan. So, if you want it to scan kerbin's orbit for asteroids, the telescope has to be in an orbit close to eve, just a bit above it.

Sentinels are meant to be in a solar orbit, not around a planet/moon. If you push one out to escape Kerbin SOI wait for it to go into solar orbit and check again. Once tracking the context menu will tell you which bodies orbit they are watching. I currently have two up watching Kerbin and Duna orbits providing a nice little earner in career mode.

Okay, So i just had enough fuel to push it out so it is now orbiting the sun. I was able to do a science experiment to get me some science while high over the sun. I still activate the tracking button though.

The SENTINEL is for finding asteroids that the Tracking Station cannot see itself. These asteroids are usually in rather inclined orbits, perhaps elliptical as well. Its primary job is to detect such asteroids that threaten Kerbin but it can also be used to find asteroids near other planets. To do this, you must put the SENTINEL in a solar orbit slightly inside the orbit of the planet you want it to cover. IOW, to cover Kerbin, you need to put it in an orbit between Kerbin and Eve. To cover Dres, you need it between Dres and Duna.

Because most of the asteroids found by the SENTINEL are in rather inclined orbits, they are a lot more difficult to capture in interplanetary space than the normal asteroids you find with the Tracking Station. Therefore, there's little point in launching a SENTINEL for your own purposes. HOWEVER, there are many VERY lucrative contracts that ask you to launch a SENTINEL to watch for asteroids around a particular planet, starting with Kerbin and eventually asking for other planets. And these contracts repeat and you can use pre-existing SENTINELs to do them without having to launch new ones. This makes for a very nice late-game income stream. I fund my late-game space empires with multiple SENTINELs at various planets all doing repeat business. Millions roll in with no effort at all on my part.

The contracts always show a target orbit, which you can only see in the Tracking Center by focusing the view on the sun, or in the game only after a ship leaves Kerbin's SOI. However, there are huge tolerances on these target orbits and you don't have to really get in them. Thus, there's no need to adjust orbits of existing SENTINELs to fulfill new contracts for that same planet.

Anyway, once you put a SENTINEL in the "right" place (meaning pretty much any solar orbit between the planet it's watching and the next planet in), tell it to start looking for asteroids and leave it to it. It will find the asteroids automatically and you'll see brief messages in white text appear in the upper left area of the screen saying the SENTINEL has found the Xth of Y total asteroids needed to fulfill the contract. This is why they're such money-makers. One in place and turned on, all you have to do is check for new contracts periodically and watch the money roll in.

I have a Sentinel equipped satellite in a solar orbit just inside the Duna orbit. Plenty of power etc but after a lot of observing all I've seen is one massive asteroid. Most of the time there is nothing. I had hoped to find a medium sized asteroid to capture and bring into Duna orbit as the basis of a refuelling station (through ISRU). So far I've found 1 massive object way too far from Duna to even think about grabbing. I was hoping for a selection more like what is around Kerbin (both in numbers, size variation and range).

The asteroid tracking contracts usually require an automated craft, which requires a probe core, electrics and antenna normally. Mind you, I've never tried launching a sentinel on a craft with a kerbal aboard.

In addition to the asteroid hunting that's already been mentioned, the SENTINEL telescope has a science experiment, but it only operates in high orbit. For Kerbin, that's over 250 km. The restriction is similar to those of the seismometer (it won't work if it's not on the ground) or the atmospheric analyser (which won't work if there's no air). If you're sending a SENTINEL to solar orbit, then you may wish to fly it by the Mun or Minmus and take advantage of the opportunity to get the science results from high Mun or high Minmus orbit.

The thing to know about using the SENTINEL is that you do not line it up with a planet in the sense of being able to draw a line from the sun, through the telescope, to the planet that you're observing. The way to use it is to put it in a lower orbit than the target planet, but not so low as to cross the next planet sunwards. For example, if you want to observe Kerbin, then you need to eject from Kerbin's sphere of influence to a solar orbit that is between Kerbin and Eve. There are special SENTINEL missions that mandate specific orbital requirements, but if you're doing it for fun but not profit, then most orbits that lie completely between Kerbin and Eve will work to watch Kerbin.

Trouble is that the specified orbit is further out than the orbit of Kerbin. At no point does it dip closer to Kerbol than Kerbin. All the stuff online seems to indicate you can only find asteroids for a specific body if you are in a lower orbit than it.

Hi all,

when processing Sentinel 1 SLC data, it seems to me there is no operation for applying an orbit state vector file (to correct for the exact orbit scenario), as also the diapOTB chains (e.g. S1IW) do not take care of this.

As an alternative to seamless mosaics I am interested in obtaining orbit-wise cloudless images. The cloud-filling results in my tests so far look really good but the stripes introduced by the mosaicking process are going to complicate downstream applications of the imagery.

with filterScenes you can not atm filter out the scenes based on the orbit id. So, you will have to pull all the data into your evaluatePixel function but there are original tile ids available in scenes object, e.g. try scenes.tiles[0].tileOriginalId (mosaicking TILE), from where you can parse absolute orbit id (check Granule naming convention here).

Thank you for the recommendation, @avrecko. I wound up implementing a process that uses the WebFeatureService function from the python API to query for all dates for a given bounding box then parses the scene IDs (granule naming convention) to filter down to the desired relative orbits. I can add the list of exact dates that I want to include to my evalscript so only images from the desired relative orbits make it past filterScenes.

Assuming you have a Geometry object called geom, a config object with credentials, and a evalscript string that is waiting for a string of dates to pass to filterScenes, you can implement the orbit-wise filter like this: 2351a5e196

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