Presentation (Fall 2021)


Team Members

  1. Hanlin Miao

  2. Robert Roettger

  3. Erik Schneider

The Problem

  1. Large Company have a substantial amount of devices across multiple locations

  2. Managing and tracking each device and connection efficiently is difficult

Intro to Network Infrastructure

  1. Network to Code offers SaaS automation solutions for users’ networks while allowing IT teams to deliver services faster and more efficiently

  2. Nautobot is NTC’s network automation tool to monitor each device and node in a network

  3. Nautobot functions across cities, states, countries, and continents. Having plugins that allow users to view all connections efficiently and on a map interface is crucial for proper device management measures

The Development Environment (Intro)

  1. Nautobot is an open source software with its own development environment.

  2. Docker is used to create a Linux container with necessary dependencies: poetry, invoke, postgres database and etc.

  3. The test data is provided by the Network to Code team.


  1. Python

  2. Django

  3. Google Maps API

  4. HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  5. Docker

  6. Virtualbox/VMWare with Linux OS (Vagrant)

  7. GitHub


  1. Network to Code

  2. Network Engineers

  3. IT Teams

Global Map Input

Latitude and Longitude Information

Sites and Connections

Status Displayed on the Map with Color Differential


Hover and Clickable Features

Future Goals (Spring 2022)

  1. After we complete phase 1 of the project, there are further discussions about using the global diagram to evaluate the business impact of device outages.

  2. Global Map view needs to have filters like Tree Diagrams.

  3. Tree Diagram needs to be more flexible and customizable.

  4. Need feedback on the code from the NTC mentor team.