Milestone 4


Reduced the number of dependencies/Web Calls in organization_map.html

Added integration tests based on nautobot_golden_config (not 100% certain if it is the correct way to do it)

Added geodesic toggle on Google Map to switch from curved lines to straight lines and vice versa.

Cleanup pyproject.toml and poetry.lock files and get rid of some of the unnecessary dependencies


Next section will cover the results of the project.

Navigation I

The user will navigate to the Nautobot Homepage.

Under the Circuits dropdown, if our plugin is installed, the user will see a Diagram link

Navigation II

Click on the Diagram link, the user is able to see all the sites and circuit connections available and documented in Nautobot.

Metadata I

Hovering on one of the site markers will display the metadata available regarding the site and the circuit connections that exist within the site.

Metadata II

Hovering on one of the polylines that indicate circuit connection will display the circuit name and status.

New Feature - Geodesic Toggle

Added Geodesic toggle button on the top right corner of the Google Map Canvas to change circuit connection polylines from curved lines to straight ones.

Testing I

Added integration testing to plugin to make sure that the site data can be created and extracted as expected.

Construct a dummy site with Latitude and Longitude.

Testing II

Test if the data is extracted correctly.


Completed stage 1 of the project ahead of schedule.

The Geodesic toggle was added as an additional feature due to extra time available for stage 1.

Stage 2 of the project is under development and is on track to be completed by the end of June.