
2023.2.2 Lea Baender (Technical University Dresden)

Title: A Introduction to Ramseys Theorem.

2023.1.12 Thibaut Kouptchinsky (Catholic University of Louvain le Neuve)

Title:  Determinacy on the Edge of Second Order Arithmetic.

2022.12.15 Leonardo Pacheco (Tohoku University)

Title: Some comments about the mu-calculus' alternation hierarchy in modal logic and reverse mathematics.

2022.11.24 Tomoya Matsumoto (Tohoku University)

Title: Silver's theorem and its surroundings.  

2022.11.17 Hiroyuki Ikari (Tohoku University)

Title: A formalized proof of a type of basis theorem. 

2022.11.10 Tomoya Matsumoto (Tohoku University)

Title: Silver's theorem and its surroundings.  

2022.10.20 Yudai Suzuki (Tohoku University)

Title: On the complexity of fixed point theorem on the Cantor space. (Part 2)  

I will compare them and consider the complexity of the fixed point theorem on the Cantor space from both viewpoints.

2022.10.13 Yuto Takeda (Tohoku University)

Title: Ramsey's Theorem and Recursion Theory.

2022.10.6 Yudai Suzuki (Tohoku University)

Title: On the complexity of fixed point theorem on the Cantor space.  

I will compare them and consider the complexity of the fixed point theorem on the Cantor space from both viewpoints.

2022.7.21 Taishi Kurahashi (Kobe University)

Title: 全ての証明可能性論理の共通部分  

2022.7.14 Kai Ino (Manchester University)

Title: 分離的微分閉体の理論の基礎的な性質 

本研究は 1970 年代の標数 p の微分閉体の理論 DCFp に関する Carol Wood の仕事を一般化する形で行われ、この理論 SDCFp,εの基礎的な性質;量化記号消去、安定性、素モデルの存在などを確立したので紹介したい。

2022.6.30 Leonardo Pacheco (Tohoku University)

Title: A very short introduction to modal logic and the modal mu-calculus.

2022.6.9 Keita Yokoyama (Tohoku University)

Title: Reverse mathematics from multiple points of view.  

2022.6.2 Tadayuki Honda (Tohoku University)

Title: General topology on the second order arithmetic.

2022.5.19 Ryoma Sin'ya (Akita University)

Title: 形式言語理論への測度論的アプローチ



2022.4.28 Hiroyuki Ikari (Tohoku University)

Title: Real objects and its expressions.

2022.4.21 Yudai Suzuki (Tohoku University)

Title: Relativized leftmost path principle in Reverse mathematics and Weihrauch degrees.

and this statement (called leftmost path principle, LPP) is equivalent to Pi^1_1\{CA}_0 over {RCA}_0 in reverse mathematics.

In [1], Towsner introduced weaker versions of this statement, Sigma^0_{alpha} relativized LPP,

stating that any ill-founded tree has a path f such that there is no f^{(alpha)} computable path located left of f.

Moreover, he showed that Sigma^0_{alpha} LPPs form a hierarchy between {ATR}_0 and Pi^1_1\{CA}_0.

In this talk, I will introduce Towsner's work and consider relativized LPPs from the viewpoint of Weihrauch degrees. 

[1]Towsner, Henry.``Partial impredicativity in reverse mathematics." The Journal of Symbolic Logic 78.2 (2013): 459-488.​

2022.4.14 Leonardo Pacheco (Tohoku University)

Title:  Infinite games in reverse mathematics.