
Speakers March to July 2022

Santiago Arango Piñeros

Zeta Functions and the Weil Conjectures

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My research is in arithmetic statistics. I am currently thinking about gonalities of modular curves and abelian varieties over finite fields.



Brady Ali

A different way to generalize the Weierstrass semigroup

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I am working with rank three co-Higgs bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces.


Luize D'Urso

Geometric Group Theory and Algebraic Geometry




Daniela Paiva

Castelnuovo's rationality criterion


My field of research focuses on algebraic and birational geometry. I am interested in studying the Cremona Group and K3 surfaces by applying some useful tools like the Sarkisov Program.


Ana Quedo

Moduli Space and Geometric Invariant Theory


I am working in complex algebraic geometry, more specifically I am studying the relations of automorphisms of K3 surfaces and birational geometry.


Abraham Rojas Vega

Automorphism group of Artin-Schreier

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During my Master studies, I worked with algebraic curves in positive characteristic, using the theory of Algebraic Function Fields. Now, during my PhD studies, I work with Intersection Homology for singular varieties and applications to String Theory.



Sarah Faria

Complete intersections and Weierstrass points

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I am working in algebraic geometry, particularly with moduli spaces of curves with symmetric Weierstrass semigroup.


Rina Paucar Rojas

On the representability of Chow groups of 0-cycles

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I am working in algebraic geometry. My current research interest is the study of zero cycles on surfaces.



Francisco Galluccio

Locally Recoverables Codes from a Tower of Garcia Stichtenoth

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I am working in Code Theory and Function Fields. More precisely on Locally Recoverable Codes.


Aline Zanardini

A survey on non-symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces


My research interests lie at the interface of Birational Geometry and Moduli Theory. I am also generally interested in algebraic and topological invariants of singularities.
A unifying theme in my research has been the study of the geometry of genus one fibrations, mostly in dimensions two and three.



Felipe Espreafico Guelerman Ramos

Enumerative Geometry and Physics

Talk in person without slides and video

My current research interests center around Algebraic and Complex Geometry. Lately, I have been working in Mirror Symmetry, specifically on open Gromov Witten invariants from the B-model point of view. I am trying to contribute to the project Gauss Manin Connection in Disguise (GMCD). I am also interested in Singularity theory, Hodge theory and Symplectic Geometry.



Yulieth Prieto

Quotients of K3 Surfaces vs Quotients of 2-Complex Tori

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My main areas of interest cover K3 surfaces, Hyperkähler manifolds, and their Moduli Spaces. In particular, I work on Automorphisms on K3 surfaces, birational maps on Hyperkähler manifolds and Moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces. Recently, I am also interested on Ulrich bundles of smooth projective manifolds.



Wodson Mendson

Polynomial maps and unimodular domains

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I am working with codimension one foliations defined over a field of positive characteristic and application to problems of characteristic zero. In particular, applications to the problem of detecting irreducible components of the space of codimension one holomorphic foliations in projective spaces.



Speakers Summer 2022

Eduardo Vital

Degenerations of linear series to curves with three components, using quiver representations

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General degenerations of linear series to nodal curves with n+1 components yield exact linked nets of vector spaces with finite support, which are special quiver representations of pure dimension. We study some properties of linked net and their linked projective spaces.


Lucas da Silva Reis

A group action on multivariate polynomials over finite fields

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I work primarily in the theory of finite fields, with focus on its connections to number theory, algebra (linear and commutative) and discrete mathematics. In general I explore questions regarding existence, description, construction and enumeration of objects related to finite fields.



Lucas Henrique Rocha de Souza

0-dimensional compactifications are spectra

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I work in Geometric Group Theory. In particular, I am interested in well behaved compactifications of groups. The topology of the boundaries of such compactifications gives algebraic information about the group and also gives geometric and topological information about spaces that the group acts on (e.g. if a group is the fundamental group of a compact Riemannian manifold with negative curvature, then it is 1-ended, i.e. some compactification of the group is trivial).


Mateus Gomes Figueira

Restrictions and extensions of foliations

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I am working with restrictions and extensions of holomorphic foliations on projective hypersurfaces.


Eduardo Garcez

A Vanishing Theorem by Grothendieck

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I am working with moduli space theory. More specifically parameterizing limit canonical systems.


Xia Xiao

On invariance of plurigenera

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I am interested in complex algebraic geometry particularly, positivity, existence of extremal metrics and stability conditions.


Speakers September to December 2021

John Alexander Cruz Morales

Thirty years of mirror symmetry

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I work in geometry in a very broad sense (including differential, complex, symplectic and algebraic aspects). In particular, I am interested in mirror symmetry and noncommutative Hodge structures and their relations with other branches of mathematics like integrable systems and representation theory.


Renan da Silva Santos

Linked projective spaces

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I'm working with degeneration of curves, limit linear series and the relation of thoses topics with quiver representations.


Felipe de León Saenz Angel

A modular approach to the class number problem

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I am interested in number theory and algebraic geometry. In particular, I am curious about modular curves and its higher-dimensional analogs.


Jorge Armando Duque Franco

Hodge Locus

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I am interested in the relation between periods, topology and geometry of complex varieties as well as the superlative role that periods have in transcendence theory. My current research focuses on Hodge cycles and their periods which provide a rich source of these relations.



Abraham Rojas Vega

Finite subgroups of
GL(2, K)

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I am Abraham Rojas, master student in ICMC-USP, and my advisor is Herivelto Borges. I work with function fields of algebraic curves in positive characteristic. I was admitted to start my PhD in ICMC as well.


Felipe Zingali Meira

Rational Elliptic Surfaces over Number Fields

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I am working in algebraic surfaces, namely studying the interplay between arithmetic and geometric aspects of elliptic surfaces.


Gabriel Fazoli Domingos

Jouanolou's Theorem

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I have interest in problems from foliations and algebraic geometry, mainly birational classification.


Cláudia Rodrigues da Silveira

The Conjectures of Mahler and Viterbo

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I'm working in the interplay between Convex Geometry and Symplectic Geometry, how two seemingly unrelated conjectures of Mahler and Viterbo, in each geometry respectively, have a lot to say from each other. We study billiards and how they can help us unravel this mistery.


Daniel Felipe López Garcia

The monodromy problem for hyperelliptic curves


Right now, I am working with the monodromy action of rational maps in the projective plane, and with the Hodge conjecture in the Fermat quartic sixfold.



Walter Andrés Páez Gaviria

Gauss-Manin connection in Disguise: K3 surfaces

I work in Hodge Theory and modular forms. As secondary interests, I like model theory and categorical logic.


Eduardo Alves da Silva

A theorem by Nagata


I am working with birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs and a refined version of the Sarkisov Program which is called volume preserving.



Manoel Zanoelo Jarra

Standard conjectures and Hodge theory for matroids


I am working in the intersection of combinatorics and algebraic geometry, with matroid and blueprint theory.
