Semiconductor Devices


B.Tech. I Year, II Sem.

CSE, CSE (AI&ML), CSE (Cyber Security), CSE (Data Science)

Pre-requisite(s): 20PH11002-Applied Physics

Course Objectives

Develop ability to

1.  Understand the energy band diagrams and characteristics of semiconductor diodes and optoelectronic devices.

2.      Understand the performance of rectifier and voltage regulator circuits.

3.      Understand the various transistor configurations and their characteristics needed for applications.

4.      Understand the concept of stability factor and different biasing methods for the stability of a circuit.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, students would be able to

CO1.  Analyze the characteristics of diodes and optoelectronic devices using basic concepts of semiconductors for their suitability in electronic circuits.

CO2.  Apply the characteristics of semiconductors to design rectifier and voltage regulator circuits.

CO3.  Analyze the characteristics of transistor and compare various transistor configurations for their suitability as various amplifiers.

CO4.  Analyze the biased stability for a given circuit and design a biased circuit for a given stability factor.

Qualitative theory of p-n junction, Energy level diagram of p-n junction in forward & reverse bias condition, p-n junction as a diode, volt-ampere characteristics, temperature dependence of V-I characteristics, Transition and Diffusion capacitances (qualitative),breakdown mechanisms in semiconductor diodes, Zener diode characteristics, Varactor diode characteristics.

Radiative and non-radiative recombination mechanisms in semiconductors, direct and indirect band gap semiconductors, LED and semiconductor lasers: device structure, materials, characteristics, semiconductor photodetectors: photodiode, solar cell, PIN, avalanche and their structure, materials, working principle and characteristics.

p-n junction diode as a rectifier, half wave rectifier, full-wave rectifier, bridge rectifier, harmonic components in a rectifier circuit, inductor filter, capacitor filter, L- section filter, π- Section filter, comparison of filters, voltage regulation using Zener diode.

Junction transistor, BJT symbol, transistor construction, BJT operation, common base, common emitter and common collector configurations. Transistor current components, limits of operation, transistor as an amplifier, comparison of CB, CE, CC amplifier configurations.

The DC and AC load lines, Operating point, need for biasing, bias stability and stabilization factors, stabilization against variations in V BE and β: fixed bias, collector feedback bias, Emitter feedback bias, Collector-Emitter feedback bias, Voltage divider bias.

Field Effect Transistor: The Junction field effect Transistor (Construction, Principle of operation, symbol) Pinch–off voltage, V-I characteristics, comparison of BJT and FET (Qualitative treatment).


1. Electronic Devices & Circuits, Millman’s, McGraw Hill Book Publishers.

2. Engineering Physics, K. Malik, A. K. Singh, Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishers.


1. Electronic devices & Circuits, S Salivahanan, N Srushkumar, A Vallava Raj, Second

edition, Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishers.

2. Fundamentals of Physics, David Halliday, John Weily Publishers.

3. University Physics, Sear’s and Zemansky (10 th Edition), Wesly Publishers.

4. Online course: “Optoelectronic materials and devices” by Monica Katiyar and Deepak Gupta on NPTL